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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • people think we didn’t try talking first. telling them to fuck off, refuting their trash ideology or even trying to persuade them out of it. they loved that shit. they were there to talk but they were not there for any great debate. fuckers were there to recruit, it was preditory. they did not fuck off until it was clear we would make them, AND that we’d do it before they opened their mouths. they fucked off when the recruitment pool was closed to them.

    guess i can see how on paper a bunch of kids living off pabst and shoving eachother around to loud music, was a good hunting ground. they read that particular room wrong though. and “punch them until they left” was they only way they were gonna go.

  • the article ends on a pitch for an ai bot making your paid posts. it’s trash. the article itself is the kind of lazy trash you get when you start leaning into monitization. you’re right, the fediverse isnt a monolith, not even inside distinct cultural regions.

    for me at least. the answer to more media like this article appearing. so we grow an have more content and grow more. will be finding somewhere else to be. thats just the social media cycle. something cool gets made. a community starts forming. someone says “look at those idiots. dont they know how money works? a few of them could be making so much of it. i’ll show them how and make some myself too”. the rough edges of the space get smoothed out because if you want to make the site sucessful it should look more like how the sucessful spaces look. and a bunch of people move on to make something new again while bots have arguments with bots.

  • creators are welcome to post in the fediverse and tag their paid platform so long as they respect the rules of whatever community they post in. everyone has to eat. turning the fediverse into a tansactional platform is just coporate social media with extra steps. the articles getting downvoted because its one step shy of a linkedin ad disguised as a post. if i wanted to read posts about the beauty of the grind or some other nonsese, i’d be on fucking twitter or facebook. this place exists specifically to not be those places.

  • It’s this uninvited commenting on the bots part that has me downvoting it. It’s presenting itself at an authority here. If a user in the comments called the bot to fact check something and the bot did a bad job, i’d just block the bot. I’d even be able to look over that users history to get an idea of the bot’s purpose. But this bot comes in and says “here’s the truth”, then spits out something i’d expect to see on twitters current itteration.

    If the problem you’re trying to solve is the reliability of the media being posted here. Take the left/right bias call out and find a decent databse on new source quality. Start the bots post out with resources for people to develop their own skill at spotting bad news content.

    If the problem you’re trying to solve is the visibility of political bias in content posted here. So the down vote button isnt acting as a proxy for that. Adding a function for the community to rate left/right lean like rotten tomatoes sounds interesting, so long as you take the reliability rating out of the bot. You can’t address both media reliability and political bias in one automated post. nyt and npr being too pearl clutchy for my taste. and some outlet that exists only on facebook having the same assumed credibility as the associated press. are wildly different issues.

    *stupid phone, i’ll live with the spelling but not repeated words.

  • been using Darktable for years now. had the same trouble with it as people going photoshop to gimp have at first, because my brain was all in lightroom. once i sat down and watched some videos of people explaining their own darktable process and experimented new workflows. it became everything lightroom was, but without the constantly scolding me about bumping my subscription adobe did.

  • I’m in the same spot and 95% settled on moving to debian.

    xubuntu has been good to me the last 10yrs. But its been about xfce, ubuntu got be part of the relationship because it was easy when i knew very little about linux. that and it can run well on a potato with a bunch of computer parts just duct taped randomly onto it. which is basically what my dumpster dived laptop was 10 yes ago.

  • I’ve only ever found two real studies on topic of tactile processing issues. reading the descriptions of tactile defensiveness made me feel less crazy.

    The neurological process of light touch and movement being miss communicated to include a fight or flight response. The stress to muscles and joints that goes with constantly supressing a low level fight or flight response.

    I’ve found it helpful when explaining to people hoe it is for me at least. To ask them to describe their physical response to something like a jump scare, someone startles you from behind kinda thing. then i ask if lightly moving their own hand over their arm causes the same feeling at like 1/3 the intensisty. Sure they usually say something along “thats not real”. But damnit i was at least able to explain the experiance.

    these links shouldnt have paywalls. i can poke around for new links if they do.



  • Ok i’ll answer the question asked first. if i absolutely had to put a consumer endpoint protection on one of my macs. i’d probably do clamxav again. that said.

    after 15 yrs in enterprise apple device management, i still reccomend a solid remote backup solution at the consumer level instead. anyone who claims macs cant get viruses is kidding themselves, but honestly we dont bother attempting to clean infected macs. wipe and restore. put your money into protecting your data and for the love of all gods install the updates.

    going crazy and jumping into the jamf consumer level ecosystem is an option as well. but way over the top unless you’re really bored with money to burn.

  • nzeayn@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteCope
    11 months ago

    I fuckin love Discovery and none of ya can shame me for that. All this new era of trek fun as hell and im here for it. The abrams movies got my kid into trek because you know what, they are fun!

    I pulled away from the trek fandom back in the Voyager days. Because I love that damn show. And I got tired of hearing how much better it would be if Janeway smiled more. I love the TNG era but it had some problems. The Yar arc happend people.

    Trek is trek and it’s all fantastic. Folks who can’t be happy to enjoy all the new trek we’ve gotten are welcome to go back to grumply watching that original star wars trilogy shit. I’ll be over here with the capacity for joy rewatching all of trek now.

  • First let me welcome you to the “hey wait that was autism!?” phase. It’s a trip.

    As this thread as a whole states, it depends on what value that diagnosis brings to your life. Weight against how much that diagnosis will cost you. Research autism for yourself and your kid, review your own history and talk with people who know you.

    In my region of the US there is one licensed human doing adult diagnosis, on an 18 month waiting list for about $2k. He would also require a 4hr interview with at least one parent in addition to the 8hrs with me. At a time when my family was still angrily listing all the reasons my son’s diagnosis was wrong. So my son has a diagnosis, i likely will never bother.

    When i started asking close friends for thier opinion, most responded with “duh”. I was not infact, as good at masking as i’d assumed. Though it’s not an uncommon experiance to find a few people extremely attached to their own image of you. Those relationships tend to end poorly when you open up about your actual lived experiance. So be aware of that cost while you’re exploring this. You’ll likely be better for their absence but the process can still hurt. The end of one of my oldest and closes friendships resulted in me paying $600 for a full genome sequencing, followed by months of learning how to read the raw files from that. So i could understand the one genetic study thats been done on tactile defensiveness. Having the report put me in the 80th perentile for autism was kinda meh at that point, so i don’t believe an offical diagnosis would do much for my piece of mind either. Finding the GABRB3 mutations identified in that tactile defensiveness study also in my genome though. Having that specific answer was worth the time and expense.

    Like most people here, i’m a lot kinder to myself now that i have some understanding of how my brain proceses things. I let most of my masking fall away. And was shocked to discover most people don’t go through life with every muscle in their body tensed up like they’re constantly hearing nails on a chalk board.

  • About two years ago my set up had gotten out of control, as it will. Closet full of crap all running vms all poorly managed by chef. Different linux flavors everywhere.

    Now its one big physical ubuntu box. Everything gets its own ubuntu VM. These days if I can’t do it in shell scripts and xml I’m annoyed. Anything fancier than that i’d better be getting paid. I document in markdown as i go and rsync the important stuff from each VM to an external every night. Something goes wrong i just burn the vm, copy paste it back together in a new one from the mkdocs site. Then get on with my day.

  • Trying to see the best in it right now. This platform feel more like the old forums I grew up in and miss, so I’m informing my brain it’s simply a return to previous routines. Apollo was the only thing making Reddit usable the past several years. When it goes, so does my Reddit account. Very happy to find this space. I know there’s been talk of moving to discord from some communities but i just can’t enjoy the instant communication those platforms are built on.