Will definitely do! Wanted to get some better gear and do some hiking for a while, great that I now actually have a reason to do it hahah
Will definitely do! Wanted to get some better gear and do some hiking for a while, great that I now actually have a reason to do it hahah
Thank you!! Love that there are botanic gardens in Edinburgh, I’ll definitely have to inlcude them in my plans now hahah Also great tip on packing good waterproof gear. Don’t really have any rn and most likely would’ve never thought about it if y’all wouldn’t have mentioned the rainy weather there hahah
This is awesome input, thank you! I’m very inexperienced at hiking, but Walk Highlands looks great to search for easier paths and still get to enjoy it. I’ll definitely have to up on my hiking gear
I honestly did underestimate how spread out everything is. People in this thread have already mentioned so many interesting places, seems I’ll have to plan a few more trips hahah Thank you for your suggestions as well! Love the idea of going to some of the islands by boat
What a stunning view! I’ll definitely have to get some good hiking gear it seems Thank you!!
I haven’t quite figured how to get around the place yet, but a bus tour like that honestly sounds great for someone like me who’s really bad at driving hahah Thank you for the suggestions!!
Thank you so much! I think now Edinburgh would be a great starting point for my first visit there. But I totally get you when you say you’ll need another trip just for the western side, I honestly underestimated how spread out all the cool places are hahah
This place looks incredible, just what I meant when I said I want to enjoy the landscapes there. Thank you!!
Previous research has shown that environmental factors affect memory and that information learned in one environment is retrieved better when the retrieval occurs in the same context.
This part made me think about how sometimes “retracing” my steps, going back to the other room, suddenly makes me remember what I wanted to do.
So, not sure how solid that study is, but it’s certainly quite an interesting idea, thanks for sharing!
They all definitely would look nice together! Love how colorful those sets are
Thank you so much, gonna check those right away! : )
I think it looks pretty cool! Can anyone tell me whether those kind of special edition sets are available for a longer time or just for this season?
Danke für die Tips!! Hab zwar im Moment kein Projekt offen, wo ich wirklich Holz etc. bräuchte, aber ein paar Ideen schwirren da schon rum, wo das sehr nützlich werden kann!
Hey danke dir!! Kenn den Gerstaecker sogar und hab dort hin und wieder Malzeugs gekauft - hab aber überhaupt net am Schirm ghabt, dass der evtl. Textilsachen auch hat und direkt was gfunden, was passen könnt 🙏
Ah, guter Hinweis! Bin in Kärnten, aber wenns zB. an guten und/oder großen Laden irgendwo geben tat, wär zum Überlegen ob man net mal an kleinen Ausflug macht
Im Büro geht die Heizung net, Installateur lässt sich net blicken. Heit is ana der zwei Chefs mit an Heizstrahler ankommen - bissl besser, aber des ganze offene Büro damit zu beheizen funktioniert leider ah nur bedingt.
Wetter macht sowieso schon so arg miad und dann kannst noch mit abgfrorene Händ 8h am Tag vorm Computer sitzen… und des schene dran: passiert jedes Jahr wieder aber irgendwie lernens net draus
Yes, did all that! There was nothing running that should’ve caused any workload. We tried various tweaks, but unfortunately they all had no effect. The vendors support couldn’t really figure out what was the problem either, but found it just as odd as we did.
Thanks for the reply! We’ve done some benchmark tests with hwinfo, which confirmed the higher frequencies.
But it’s great to know that there are new models out there that don’t have such a big issue with that. May I ask what notebook you were using?
Damn this looks amazing, definitely gonna add it to the list of locations to visit! Places like that were exactly what I was hoping to see 👀