



  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No matter how you slice it, there’s a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

    Why do they keep insisting that we are the ones that are wrong? The economy isn’t their numbers. The economy is a real thing, proper operation of which ensures well fed people.

    The purpose of an economy is to fond optimal distribution of resources for people. Ultimately it’s people that need all the things, right? Either things are materials to produce things for people, or products useful to help other products reach people.

    If the people think that’s not working, it isn’t working. They’re not just parroting what they see on the news, they’re living day by day, minute by minute in this environment. They see what day to day life costs for them. They’re wrong but the eggheads tracking the over fitted model are right? When a measure becomes a goal it ceases to be a good measure, that’s where the disconnect is. If you want to fix the economy then quit pretending your metrics are more important than people’s standard of living.

  • I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what the point of this is. I haven’t asked Alex (haven’t talked directly to him in a long time as I have mostly abandoned fedi) but I know he’s the first prominent fedi dev to sort of pivot to nostr (a good sign; too many prominent fedi people are more interested in preserving their fiefdoms than the ultimate goal of all this) and has been building some interoperability stuff.

    What I see at first glance is an attempt to slap fedi social model onto nostr? Trying to create a client that gives users a TWKN and local feed of some kind? I don’t know, perhaps someone can clear it up for me.

    Anyway, I don’t really see the point, a primary benefit of nostr is the lack of network fragmentation and siloing. There’s some fragmentation that does occur with failures to fetch notes from relays and things, but not the network splitting and banlist passing and siloed networks like you get on fedi. Trying to shoehorn that UX back into nostr kind of misses the point IMO. I like the idea of community creation as a sort of organizational thing for feed curation without direct follows, it helps discoverability, particularly along lines of shared interest, but I don’t really see how the “web ring” like follow structure doesn’t achieve that already without the downside of building silos. A global feed, I see no point of that at all.

  • Yeah, when you have criteria like that, sure. That’s like trying to find a specific engine configuration on a used car. You’re basically looking for a custom specific used thing.

    My criteria for thinkpads is “is it a thinkpad.” Usually I can find one for dirt cheap that works really well. Swap out the drive, if it supports libreboot, add some ram, as long as the CPU is OK it doesn’t really matter to me. I bought an x260 the other day from a rando on the fediverse for 80 bucks that I was going to give to a kid but is now my main workstation. I didn’t even change anything, it’s as powerful as I need.