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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • The risk is there no mater what Poland does. Russian missiles already fell on Polish land. If russia could do more they’d already do that.

    Poland can just declare that they are protecting from stray missiles before they enter their airspace. What are russians going to do? Fire missiles at NATO country? At the very least, they’d just get massive wall of AA along the Polish border shooting down missiles even deeper in Ukraine.

    Remember that russia already claimed that there is NATO crew manning the AA systems in Ukraine. Following their propaganda, this would actually be deescalation.

  • There were cluster bombs raining on the beach after russian AA shot down one of the rockets. But IIRC that beach was close to the military base, so it was pretty stupid to even go there.

    Some people really want that Darwin award.

    Plus there’s russian propaganda with 100% successful AA and everything being under control with their 3 day special military operation.

  • Probably not what you’re asking for, but I have an impression, that your primary motivation is curiosity and just good feeling of using the open platform, so I figured I’ll mention it.

    I’m using ESP32-C3 boards with some sensors and ESPHome to monitor air quality in my house. The board is RISC-V based and can be bought for real cheap. (single digit $ price generally) ESPHome is quite easy to work with and (If you’re realistic with your expectations around very low power device) also quite powerful.

    Honestly the ESPHome itself is almost too good if you’re really curious as it abstracts the differences between various boards quite well. You’re just editing a yaml file to define your desired functionality.

    Even if you’re hesitant to do some soldering, you can get pretty far if you buy board and sensors with pre-soldered pins and some jumper wires.

  • It’s similar for Slovakia for some names:

    Erik Kalinak started as social media manager for SMER (the pro-russian party that got to power recently) and is now climbing the career ladder in SMER at amazing speed quite obviously being pushed as future prominent member of the party. His uncle is Robert Kalinak - one of the founding members of SMER.

    Uhrik was elected a member of the European Parliament for the far-right neo-Nazi LSNS party. Later he founded his own party, the far-right and neo-fascist Republic. This was after the head of LSNS was sentenced to four years for propagating nazism - the Republic essentially is a continuation of LSNS. Uhrik is also very anti-Ukraine from the very beginning of russian invasion. You might remember him from 1st March 2022 when he completely ignored Zelensky’s speech in European Parlament browsing his phone.

    The other two names are more surprising, but mostly because they are kind of irrelevant. If russia spent any money on these two, they could as well flush it down the toilet.

    Miroslav Radacovsky is pretty much nobody. I still don’t quite understand how he got elected to European Parlament. The MEP elections are very much ignored in Slovakia. People aren’t interested in participating, so the results are kind of random sadly. Anyways you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Slovakia that would be able to tell you who Radacovsky is or to tell you single member of the Slovak PATRIOT party - AFAIK they didn’t even attempt to run for a seat in 2023 elections. As you can guess they are a bit far-right, but it’s hard to tell for sure.

    Jan Carnogursky is no longer active in politics for over a decade AFAIK. FWIW he expressed some support for Putin recently, which is somewhat ironic, considering he was anti-communist in Czechoslovakia and was also imprisoned by the regime. but again, these days he’s not relevant at all.

  • That is what Musk said. Which is arguably pretty biased source. It was also said after the book was published, which makes me think Musk either didn’t even read his own book and no one in his team did see a problem with what was in the book. Or he didn’t even see it as a problem himself which wouldn’t be his first catastrophic failure to read the room.

    if you think it should not have been disabled there in the first place then that would mean Russia could use it for their own drone strikes aswell

    Drone strikes on all the battleships Ukraine has? Or how exactly would they use it in waters where Ukraine only visits with drones and missiles?

    Also I don’t think it shouldn’t have been disabled. I think it does not matter if it was disabled. The only difference it made was that Musk was in position to turn it on rather than to not turn it off. And he chose to help russian terrorists fucking up Ukraine big time as russia got its hands onto the undamaged drones.

    If I had agreed to the request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation

    Sounds like what russian asset would say. Perhaps not because he’s forced or bribed by russia, perhaps it just makes business sense.

    In my view that is a perfectly valid reason

    That’s your opinion. I don’t think it’s valid reason to help terrorists. Those ships were later used in attempt to block food export risking famine in certain parts of the world and to lob missiles at Ukrainian cities. They were also used for that before. Perfectly valid reason to call Musk an russian asset IMO.