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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • This is a bad idea. Used to do call centre customer service, and while it wasn’t implemented on our side, some contacts that got routed to us seems to be handled by chatbots before, and people aren’t happy.

    Human condition is complex, organic, often unique circumstances. A brain dead statistical machine like AI cannot be expected to handle these things well.

    Now, if it is for health related big data analytics, like epidemic modeling, demographic changes, effect of dietary patterns (notoriously hard to model actually), then I don’t see anything wrong with that. Caring for people? No way.

  • Android auto copies numbers in SMS text messages to the clipboard, so any apps capable of monitoring the clipboard are suspect for one time security pin harversting.

    Happens quite a lot in my country (Malaysia). People, especially the older ones, install apps form unknown source because their WhatsApp/WeChat friends shared them, then their online banking access got compromised, savings account emptied out, and there’s nothing the banks can do because on their record, its the account holder doing the transfer.

    Some banks now moved away from SMS and use dedicated app for this purpose now.

  • On this wage equalisation thing, me being more of a center left, don’t really see it can work.

    But ensuring that even the most lowly paid worker can afford getting fed, clothed, and (Arrrgh!) housed is crucial!

    Also, workers having a voice in the operations is important. Not necessarily to give unions overarching power on the whole operations, but at least workers should be given a platform where we can voice our concerns to the management as equals. Let us feel like we matter and our opinions respected?

    Like example, the Germans. Their corporations and unions have a more symbiotic relationship, and in return they get some of the most productive workforce in the world.

    Meanwhile, in my home country Malaysia, unions are almost nonexistent, while employers have their own special interest group. Worker motivation is low, employee-employer trust is shit, wages is largely stagnant for at least 30 years etc. Result? Our productivity and innovation level is pathetic.

    • Assigning chores by capability is good, but allowances also need to be distributed by needs?

    • “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”, though it’s not like I thoroughly understand what it really meant😆

    • CIA won’t murder you outright. They will make you lose your job, make your wife leave you, take your kids, then you will somehow end up “dead from suicide due to financial problems and a failed marriage” 😎