• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • I think the issue with LSD for beginners is how long it lasts. Mushrooms lasts a 5-6 hours on a full stomach, 2-3 hours if you blast them powdered on a empty stomach. LSD even a small dose is a 12 hour commitment, add another 12 hours per 1000ug. Source: Took a lot of psychedelics and even more trip sitting.

    EDIT As for trip potency, they’re both too different and too similar to judge. Similar in terms of visual distortions, different in terms of colour, both very colourful. LSD has a stimulant-like MDMA body high, mushrooms has a body high that’s hard to describe. One is an emotional rollercoaster, the other is a different emotional rollercoaster. One has you speak to aliens, the other has you speak to God.

  • I’m sorry but people are already doing that and it’s not working. Billionaires get richer, temperatures get hotter, people get poorer. The masses will tolerate literal shock collar enslavement so long as it “pays the bills” and keeps them alive, otherwise we’d actually be doing something by now. Never underestimate how much people will tolerate things getting horrible, and being that we’ve blown past the 1.5C limit this year we’re basically already fucked. Anything short of a viral trend to burn down gated communities and humiliating public executions for any and every CEO or billionaire until they get the message, to get people to understand that society functions better without them (because we do all the work), anything short of that is not enough. I’d we can’t do that to save our species and countless others, so be it.

    We tolerated the dust bowl when they poisoned fruit with kerosene and the ones responsible faced zero justice. It’ll only get worse.

  • We deserve to all die in 5 years because we as a society suck so much billionaire cock for the right to eat that we “don’t have time” to stop sucking and fucking because we’re happy enough with what comes out if their dicks we fight eachother for the privilege. The fact that there aren’t viral videos of people killing them is proof we don’t deserve this world, we can’t even do it to save our species, so fuck it, let us all die.

  • If it was as easy as taking to the streets with guns I imagine more of the left would do it.

    I mean, isn’t that how lefty commies defeated the Nazi’s? Never said it was easy, but they got there in the end, and there’s still more work to be done it would seem. We got numbers on our side, $32.6trillion worth of them wouldn’t even fill up a single 737 airplane.

  • These corporate jackoffs also have names and addresses, just sayin’. They’re only as untouchable as we let them be, and they’re terrified of the fact that we’re waking up to that (hence the bunkers n shit). They’re like “Nuh uh” and we’re like “Oh ok then” and give them our lunch money, their power is equal to that of a bully making rules on the playground, we just need to grow the fuck up.

  • Same as it ever was.

    Only since around 600BC when coin turned money from a quantitive measurement of debt into a protection racket against soldiers, mercenaries and thugs (military colonialism wouldn’t be possible without this redefinition of money). Yeah, there were always societies with ruthless hierarchies, but they weren’t the norm. Yeah, there was always inequality in wealth or physical ability, but wealth wasn’t always used to lord over and deprive from eachother. The norm for most of humanities 200,000+ years were societies of cooperation, a colourful carnival of experimental politics of the likes we couldn’t even dream of nowadays. Ruthless and brutal hierarchies famously collapse because communities actively decided to abandon them, move elsewhere, and create something new and better. Human history is marked by stories of societies who reject arbitrary authorities, the ability to go elsewhere, and most of all have the expectation that wherever they go they’ll be cared for. None of these freedoms exist anymore, so the question is how and why did we lose these freedoms? And who benefits from these losses of freedoms? After accepting that society is what we make of it, defined by rules on how to live amongst one another in a bottom->up direction, then why are we so eager to blindly accept arbitrary authority, stay put, and fear our neighbors?