Languages I can speak: Hungarian, Lisp, Broken Engrish

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • wait wait wait… Hungary is not the best place for homosexuals, (and mostly for anyone else as well), but that’s simply not true. I know I live here.


    • Homosexuals can’t marry and can’t adopt by law. The constitution says “the father is a man and the mother is a woman”. I know, it doesn’t make any sense but the new constitution in 2011 was written by this closeted gay guy
    • There is a thing called “registered relationship” which legally really similar to marriage, and it’s available to homosexual couples as well. In these relationships they can have shared wealth, and at the death of one of them the other party inherits everything.
    • They can’t apply for adoption as a couple, but law says single people can apply. Gay couples usually apply separately, and while not always, usually they succeed. It’s not the same, and they have to lie about their status, and legally only one of them becomes the parent.
    • In big cities homosexual couples are perfectly accepted usually. Really rarely there were some attack on them on far right assholes, but it’s becoming more and more rare, I don’t remember when I read about one the last time. There were some counter protests on Budapest Pride at the early years (2006-10), but since around 2015 it’s perfectly accepted, and peaceful, anti gays show up, but they feel that they are by far outnumbered and noone cares about them.

    So I mean there are an awful amount of hypocrisy they speak about “traditional family values” and things you based your comment on, but in real life it’s not as terrible as it sounds from your comment.

  • I’ve seen this a lot of times, and I still love it. Usually there are some comments asking whats going on, by some people not knowing some layers, but I can’t see one yet. Are we finally arrived to an utopia where everyone knows all refrences? Where is today’s lucky 10000?