Port forwards in the router + DynDns.
Port forwards in the router + DynDns.
Though those leaks showed they actually did it on a large scale. I don’t think they stopped for some arbitrary reason. Why would they? And technology developed further, surveillance is only getting easier. I’d say even without a tin-foil hat on, it’s more likely they do it than not.
Well, centralization and giving up your freedoms, letting someone else control you, is always kinda easy. Same applies to all the other big tech companies and their platforms. I’d say it applies to other aspects of life, too.
And I’d say it’s not far off from the usual setup. If you had a port forward and DynDns like lots of people have, the Dns would automatically update, you’d need to make sure the port forward is activated if you got a new router, but that’s pretty much it.
But sure. if it’s too inconvenient to put in the 5 minutes of effort it requires to set up port forwarding everytime you move, I also don’t see an alternative to tunneling. Or you’d need to pay for a VPS.
Not really. Contrary to what people say, there is practically no malware targeting desktop machines and the risk is close to zero. There have been a few select pieces of malware during Linux’ history. But as far as I remember nothing to worry about for desktop users. You need to worry about security if you run a server. And ClamAV and such are mainly for scanning for Windows viruses, so noone else in the network gets infected by files they download from your server.
Do backups, though. Loosing all your files is as easy as running ‘rm -rf *’ in the terminal.
And as anecdotal evidence: I’ve been running Linux for like 20 years and I know lots of people who do. Practically no one I know uses an antivirus. And I know 0 people who got their desktops infected. We had our servers targeted though and the website defaced because we didn’t update the webserver for nearly two years. That definitely happens.
Yeah and as other people pointed out: use software from the package repository of your Linux distribution. That’s the nice thing about Linux and a popular Distro, that most popular software is packaged and ready to install with one command/click. Lately some users have adopted the habit of installing lots of software from random sources. I avoid that unless it’s absolutely necessary.
I’ll try to order that next time.
Not possible. Almost all mailservers have migitated for this kind of thing. Even if you wrote a script, it wouldn’t work on any properly configured mailserver…
My budget for going out also isn’t that high. But I don’t think there is a strict correlation between price and tastiness of food anyways. Sure it’ll get more fancy the more you pay. And there is some minimum if you want some quality. But after that it’s not necessarily getting more and more tasty. At least in my opinion. I’m perfectly fine with the more affordable food. Some nice Tantanmen ramen every now and then, or those tasty rice bowls with tofu and minced meat. Or middle eastern food. That’s almost always nice. It’s not super cheap, but doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either. Unfortunately my favorite pizza and burrito place isn’t around anymore.
There are some exceptions to the rule though. Some ingredients are just pricey. But I really don’t need those kinds of things on a regular basis. Sushi also isn’t something I get often.
I think that’s fine. You can put mayo and spring onions on every dish and it’ll look more Japanese in my opinion. There is no reason to be cheap with the mayo anyways. Never.
Hehe. Yeah, Bibimbap is Korean. So not exactly the same thing. And as far as I know the word literally means “mixing” and “rice”. I think it’s really tasty. And it comes pretty spicy in the restaurants I’ve had it (Which is far away from Korea.)
You’re probably right. I think the form factor is mainly due to sushi being finger food. And Japanese people seem to like bite-sized food anyways. I mean they don’t hand you a knife in the first place so there wouldn’t be any way to cut your food even if you wanted.
I’m not an expert on sushi either. And I wonder if it really has a long tradition of how it’s supposed to be done. I suppose what we deem authentic are relatively new inventions. Like conveyor-belt restaurants aren’t from the 18hundreds. And they certainly didn’t eat raw salmon before refrigerators were commonplace.
That’s true. On the other hand, frying a good piece of beef beyond well-done also isn’t how it’s supposed to be. It’ll just get dry and destroy the thing. And similarly, if you put a high quality piece of raw salmon on rice and then proceed to make it just taste of too much wasabi and salty soy sauce, makes the salmon kinda pointless. I’m not sure. People do all kinds of silly stuff with foreign food. Including mixing all the sauce, wasabi and ginger and stuffing it in their mouths… There are worse sins available to do, but I always wonder what kind of taste buds these people have.
I mean I don’t care about that stuff too much. I just put whatever I like on sushi. I think that happens to align with what is deemed appropriate. It’s a bit boring without salt, but I want to taste the fish and rice so I use the sauce sparingly. In the end the important thing with food is that it ends up in my stomach and feeds me.
I think a good display of respect and that you enjoyed something, is to finish your plate. But that doesn’t mean you got to swallow everything at once?!
And why not chew it off? Is it like in church where you’re not supposed to nibble your consecrated wafer?
I agree with the other things, though. And I feel like I’m supposed to repost the old “The Japanese Tradition” video on sushi: https://youtube.com/watch?v=bDL8yu34fz0 It’s awesome. (And since satire doesn’t always translate on the internet: It’s a spoof.)
Don’t we need to know the purchasing power of money in the country? Without that the median wage is just a number and it doesn’t tell anything about standard of living and such. We only get to know how many foreign products they can afford in dollars. And not even that because import tax varies, too.
And last time I looked, Japan had lik 8% or 10% VAT. And I believe Poland has 23%. So immediately all goods are way more expensive and it doesn’t really compare.
“Viele kamen allmählich zu der Überzeugung, einen großen Fehler gemacht zu haben, als sie von den Bäumen heruntergekommen waren. Und einige sagten, schon die Bäume seien ein Holzweg gewesen, die Ozeane hätte man niemals verlassen dürfen.”
– Douglas Adams, 1980 (aus Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis)
Ich finde Mindfactory nicht so super sympathisch. Weiß auch nicht mehr was da genau war aber vor ein paar Jahren musste ich mich mal mit denen herumschlagen und das war nicht so toll. Aber das Midnight shopping haben sie. Ich wollte dort letztens eine Festplatte kaufen, hab bis Mitternacht gewartet und pünktlich um 0 Uhr haben sie den Preis um knapp 30€ (!) erhöht… Hätte ich mal lieber die frechen 9€ Versandkosten bezahlt. Naja, jetzt hab ich halt keine Festplatte. Aber ich glaube im Grunde kann man da schon kaufen.
I’d be interested, too, if he and FUTO got to terms with their community and if they learned how licensing and trademarks work… Last thing I remember he claimed lots if things that weren’t true. And FUTO didn’t really address anything.
Loooool 😵
Kommentator(in) hat überhapt nicht verstanden worum es überhaupt irgendwie geht. Die Kinder sind denen doch ein willkommener und vorgeschobener Grund. Im Grunde werden sie aber damit vor den Bus geworfen und nur instrumentalisiert. Eigentlich geht es ja darum den Überwachungsstaat auszubauen. Wenn sie Kindern helfen möchte, wäre es ja mal angemessen überhaupt etwas vorzuschlagen was denen hilft und nicht noch mehr schadet und das Problem unter den Teppich kehrt… ?!?
Vor allem ist das ja ziemicher Konsens. Polizei sagt das wird sie mit Millionen falschen Treffern beschäftigt halten, so dass sie komplett gelähmt sind und überhaupt nix mehr verfolgen können. Die Firmen und Platformbetreiber sagen das geht so nicht. Gut außer die ganz großen, die können das. Und die Bürgerrechtler schreien auch auf…
Nix davon mitbekommen? Aber mal nen Kommentar absetzen? Ich meine was ist denn mit den armen Kindern? Denkt denn niemand an die?
Ja lass mal als Preis machen wir geben einfach unsere Rechte auf. Autokratie ist ja auch ganz nett. Und mit den mißbrauchten Kindern… Da machen wir ne Sperre vor, damit das niemand mehr mitbekommen muss. Das fühlt sich auch viel besser an. Polizei mehr geschultes Personal bezahlen? Ha! Das ist nun wirklich unrealistisch und DER Preis ist ja wohl zu hoch.
Edit: Ich hab auch noch mehr Ideen: Privatspäre komplett verbieten. Jeder macht seine Gardinen weg und die Haustür muss jederzeit offen stehen. Oder wir verbieten Kinder. Oder Menschen im Allgemeinen. Oder einfach das Internet… Sollte man mal Alles diskutieren…
Also schön, dass es ihre Meinung ist und der Artikel auch korrekt betitelt. Es ist aber eine außerordentlich dumme und uninformierte Meinung. Ich habe aber das Gefühl, richtig dumme Meinungen vertreten ist so halbwegs salonfähig geworden.
Frage mich auch wie sie dann Journalismus betreiben will wenn sie keinen Quellenschutz mehr betreiben kann. Entweder will oder kann sie das eh nicht, oder sie meint so wie die EU Minister, sich selbst schön Auszuklammern davon und nur den gemeinen Pöbel überwachen zu lassen.
Fühlt sich für mich genauso an wie den neuesten geistigen Dünnschiss der AfD zu lesen, wie sie mal wieder die Wirtschaft ruinieren wollen, alles verbieten und den Renteneintritt auf 70 anheben… Hoffentlich glauben denen nicht zu viele Menschen…
I mean it’s probably computers in general. The amount of Windows support requests I get from relatives… They also don’t get how to fix file associations, their printer stopped working for the second time in a year or they clicked on “update” and now they’re on Win 11 and having massive issues with it. I’d say computers are just difficult to deal with, sometimes… Maybe an iPhone has lower maintenance. But I don’t think it has anything to do with Linux. Some people refuse to acknowledge that. I’ve used both. And a Logitech mouse definitely works.
I’m not sure if ActivityPub allows for an extension like that. And I mean if you open up a separate direct channel via TURN… It’ll be incompatible with something like Mastodon anyways, so I then don’t see a good reason for why to bother with the additional overhead of AP in the first place. I mean you could then just send the status updates in some efficient binary representation as data packets directly do the other players. So why use ActivityPub that needs to encode that in some JSON, send it to your home instance, which handles it, puts it in the outbox, sends HTTP POST requests to the inboxes of your teammates where it then needs to be retrieved by them… In my eyes it’s just a very complicated and inefficient way of transferring the data and I really don’t see any benefits at all.
So instead of extending AP and wrapping the game state updates into AP messages, I’d just send them out directly and skip AP altogether. That probably reduces the program code needed to be written from like 20 pages to 2 and makes the data arrive nearly instantly.
I suppose I could imagine ActivityPub being part of other things in a game, though. Just not the core mechanics… For example it could do the account system. Or achievements or some collectibles which can then be commented and liked by other players.