Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Or do.
Sorry, but this is such a cop out.
There’s nothing else she can do, the democrats cannot force any legislative action here and it’s not like Trump is asking for confesses permission so there is nothing to filterbuster.
Wrong. They could do things like
That would be a start. You know, generally DO something and not be the rich, complacent servants of Wall Street they are. Or they could, hold a stupid signs during the SotU, send breathless donation solicitation emails, tell us they can’t do anything because of the parlimentarian or whatever, and cross our fingers and wait for 2028.
Patty Murray sucks.
Molly White also wrote about this in the context of open access on the web and people being concerned about how their works are being used.
“Wait, not like that”: Free and open access in the age of generative AI