I think it’s said algebraic? I know nothing about chess.
Yeah it changes hahaha. It’s annoying as fuck! I’m determined, moving to keep trying lol
Haha nice
Ive been trying for a while to get past it. Even putting all the moves into an online chess solver. Just said the moves are invalid
Sure, he’s a rapist. But not a convicted rapist. That’s all that’s being said
A conviction leads to sentencing (normally) in a criminal matter. A cival court is settling a cival matter, not a criminal one. Criminal courts convict you of a crime and sentence you to some kind of punishment. Cival courts can make you pay a fine, but not convict you of a crime.
Why did you buy a ticket just to throw it away?
And sync just got an update. Posting from sync as well
Next time we’ll post Snacs. Hahahahaha jk, yeah the crash reports probably lit a fire. The dev has always taken extended breaks, doesn’t surprise me. Just glad we aren’t abandoned
Yep hahahahahaha.
Hahahaha yes they are.
I think I agree with you. But he’s speaking to the entire world, not to his wife about the shower… Gotta keep your words straight!
Hahahahha that old miner dude?
The number of people I know in real life who use temple OS and Linux are the same … 0. So it definitely could be true!
Yeah I saw that, that’s crazy. I wonder how the collect that $2850 once you renounce your citizenship. Do they send debt collectors to the country where you have taken up residence?
What? Now I’m more lost than before. Hahahhahaa. I’ve got kids… Didn’t cost 500k. Maybe I’m missing a joke here. I’m wondering if you give up your citizenship and they supposedly charge 2800 to do so… Do they send the USMC to collect payment or what?
But how do they collect? Or does no legitimate nation give you citizenship without doing that first?
That mutherfucker whooped my ass all night