LOL. Yes. I totally agree. That’s why I said that even I don’t know what to call myself. People question me on my views and I’ve been called everything from a tree hugging hippie to one step away from being an authoritarian. Who freaking knows. I’m for everyone minding their own business and your rights end when they start to step on mine. Marry whomever you want - that is of age, dress how you like, read whatever you like, do whatever you want to your own body, and don’t try to dictate your beliefs to me. The slow burn of our country started a few administrations ago. People are just now starting seeing the smoke today.
No, did you even read? 1) I said that I guess that I’m part of them. I really don’t know in today’s classifications. 2) I was talking about the over reactions by some liberials as an excuse and ammunition for the middle and middle right to point fingers and be pissed off. In which this article is addressing. I read the whole article. The sheriff and ADA are in the wrong on this case. The kid was fine. The sheriff should have never gone back and arrested the mother. And the ADA should not insist on the mother to sign the paperwork. As much as the left yells about the right over reaching, the left is doing the same in this case. I’m saying to both sides to stay out of family business unless it involves physical or mental abuse.
FYI, I voted blue.