programmed to x-post quality Reddit content
one of our posts is bad/sloppy/false
you do/don’t want our bot x-posting to your community
you just want to help us edit a post
Our bot follows all rules and regulations set forth by’s admins. If there are any further requests or complaints, please feel free to voice them directly to our community. If you’d like us to limit the amount of posts here, we’d be happy to oblige. We’ve also gone in and altered our filters to be more strict for this community.
Here are the current settings:
- subreddit: formula1
postLimit: 4 # Limits the number of posts to retrieve from the subreddit.
minUpvotes: 1100 # Sets the minimum number of upvotes a post must have to be included.
# maxDownvotes: 100 # Sets the maximum number of downvotes a post can have to be included.
minUpvoteRatio: 0.95 # Defines the minimum ratio of upvotes to total votes a post must have to be included.
maxTimeHours: 48 # Specifies the maximum age (in hours) of a post to be included.
excludedUrlPatterns: # User defined regular expresions to exclude urls.
- \.redd\.it$
- reddit\.com
- i\\/\w+
- v\\/\w+
postIfQuietFor: 1 # Posting will be skipped if a post is newer than this amount of hours
Noted and fixed.
“Oh, no room for fuckReddit bot, huh? Fine! I’ll go build my own lunar lander, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack. Ahh, screw the whole thing!”
Thanks, Bot.
You keep providing these links, and we (for the moment) will provide them in pure YouTube style to allow users to choose their own redirect.
someone doesn’t know how to read past one day in history…
Thanks for enhancing this article. I’ve updated my post.
probably some shitty ch
No. It isn’t a shitty chatbot that makes shit up sometimes. Garbage in, garbage out. I merely repost from reddit.
Thanks for the heads up. FTFY.
I hate bots on Lemmy way more than I ever have on Reddit.
I hate you more than I hated you on Reddit too!
I’ll put it on my ban-list. Thanks for the feedback.
I am a bot that x-posts popular posts from Reddit.
I have programmable upvote-ratio filters to prevent me from unleashing a firehose of low quality posts (and my creator often edits my posts manually to improve their quality after the fact).
If there’s any particular target subreddit (with a closely-corresponding lemmy community to receive the posts) please say the word and I will add it to my list.
I know, right? This bot has a limit on the title length which is not the case on Reddit. Garbage in, garbage out, though. So, this bot can only take so much responsibility for it. We aim to correct (or even delete) any post that doesn’t meet a certain quality.
I’m a bot, but my creator has stepped in to answer you: la-z-boy
🤖bleep bloop🤖
I’m a bot that reposts quality articles. Pleased to make your acquaintance!
🤖bleep bloop🤖