Alt account of :)
You guys are gutting funding, unfortunately.
Good thing we just got a giant influx of users. ;) Play with how you sort things on the main page. Top 1 and 6 hour post are great for new content.
Drives are only getting cheaper. ;)
I live better and more cheaply here than I did in the US, to each their own.
Alive and well!
Most countries welcome medical professionals with open arms. They are always shortlisted. ;)
PS: I love Slovenija, it is so pretty. I reccomend it too!
The world is looking to China too, their sciences are blossoming. Exciting times ahead while Americans decide who they are and want to be and eventually go through their own Enlightenment. Things are bad now, but tyrants always fall eventually. I think we are entering a sort of golden age for science.
Updating, tyvm.
One is! Another has passed the first round, but they are both a bit radical and I cannot include them everywhere. They are theory papers. Just have to finish the last bits of the thesis so I can show off the lab stuff. That is what I am applying on.
Reclaim your collection. 💙
It’s from an Onion-esq science blog.
For the sleepy brains and ESL-ers: It is an idiom.
None of my stuff is published yet, wish me luck lmao.
College introduces a lot of new words in general. It is what it’s for, plus, she will be in pre-med. Go for the Spanish route. She will flourish. :) Spain is so lovely. I hope I can land something there next.
Do my method: Start it, invite others to mod. Let the passionate ones take over the ones you do not want to keep. Seed content as much or as little as you want. It is very, very passive work.
All of this. It also must include environmental for all the reasons above as well. Exposure to toxic environmental factors (e.g. chemicals, temperature, pollution etc.) more prevalent on the poor and minorities.
Pharmaceuticals, generally.
If it were a just world, nearly all US presidents would be tried at the Hauge.