• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Literally no one I know supports Israel. There are constant protests pro-Palestine in pretty much all Western countries. Pro-Israel rallies do exist & the media tries hard to bring them into focus, but they’re nowhere near as big nor frequent. The public opinion is rightfully on the side of the Palestinians. Our political leaders are out of touch and just follow their next paycheck.

    If Aljazeera is a Hamas Propaganda outlet then Haaretz and every other Israeli newspaper are Zionist propaganda outlets.

  • Say it with me, the ethnonationalist settler colony Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people. This is happening in front of our eyes. We can see it unfolding in real time. It’s not too late for you to stop supporting a genocidal state and be on the right side of history instead. And let me say it very explicitly. The right side of history is the side of the Palestinian people.

  • Let me guess you’re from Iran? Sounds like every Iranian I’ve ever met. Your problem isn’t Islam or any other religion, your problem is being oppressed by a facist dictatorship that uses a religion to legitimize themselves. If they had labeled themselves as Zoroastrians then you’d live under pretty much the same fucked up regime, but you’d blame it all on Zoroastrians instead of a bunch of dicks who fucked over your country for their own benefit.

  • They hate that like what 99.9% of Muslims in Europe just live here like anyone else. They don’t want that. They want westerners to hate Muslims and Muslims to feel rejected by society. These terrorists then want to make it seem as if they’d be standing up for and protecting Muslims against this hatred. Then, they have a very narrow view on what makes someone a „real“ Muslim and want to make that view the mainstream. Now for any normal Muslim, they would need to decide if they lose their religion or start becoming „real“ Muslims. It’s very black and white. And then for someone who truly believes, this puts them in a very difficult spot from a psychological point of view.

    These people just abuse the fear of people on all sides.