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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • Audio engineer here. Definitely don’t get a directional mic like a shotgun (fuzzy) mic or a cardioid mic (like singers use on stage). These require at least an audio interface, careful placement and multiple mics. For your situation, something like a Zoom H2n will be the best and perhaps cheapest option. It has 5 built in mics, so you’ll be able to capture sounds from all over the lecture hall. Use the 4 channel surround option, or the X/Y or Mid-Side options, and see what works best. It won’t be perfect, but it will be the easiest option to improve audio and simplify recording. Plus, the batteries last for many hours (ideally use the best rechargeable Eneloop Pro AA batteries).

    The professional way to do it would require a mixing desk, an expensive DPA, Shure or Sennheisser lavalier mic on the lecturer, at least 2 room mics and possibly a boom operator with a shotgun mic to capture audience questions. (Although this last option could be replaced with room mics or additional fixed mics pointing at the audience). There are various options for room mics depending on the acoustics of the room, and there are no one size fits all solutions for professional quality audio.

    But you don’t need professional quality, just the best you can get. With a Zoom H2n, you can put it on a tripod near the lecturer, and it will pick up sound better than average human ears. It will be better on a tripod, because it won’t pick up floor noise as much. To reduce floor noise further, get a decoupler to reduce handling noise and use a mini tripod sitting on a desk or chair. If the lecturer hall is windy (lots of air conditioning or windows and doors open) use a windshield.

    You could use any handheld recorder that does X/Y recording and it might be fine. But 4 channel recording might help pick up more from the audience, and you can still boost the lecturer’s audio by keeping the device close to them and having the “mid” mic pointing at them. The recordings can be fiddly to edit at first (especially if you want to boost part of them, like the “mid” or “sides”, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of it. Use Audacity to edit the audio or any free audio editor you happen to have access to.

    Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, and good luck with it!

  • The answer to the majority of problems the world is facing is community - we need to rebuild real physical communities, participate in them, and nourish them. We can do this by simply getting more involved in existing ones, staring from things as simple as local gardening groups, litter picking/beach tidy groups, community celebrations, local markets, etc. We need to hold on to, strengthen and rebuild arts groups and help local arts and music scenes to grow.

    We can all participate on some level in some aspect of physical community building, and it will enrich us in a way social media never can. (Put on a gig, attend an arts show, donate to a community group, talk to neighbours, support the vulnerable). I believe people feel so isolated and depressed by the way greed has ruined the web, jobs, the economy, etc.that the time is right for many more people to start investing time and effort in real communities.

    We need to build and grow communities in a local, regional, national and international spirit. We need to learn how to share, and how to get rid of greed and selfishness in ourselves and in our societies - participating in and building welcoming, non discriminating communities is the path towards this. We need to remove competition in education, arts and science (and ultimately economy), and focus on cooperation and improving things out of the joy of helping yourself and others. Communities can bring this about, and digital communities (as opposed to competitive social media) can support this, too.

    Ideally, we want to grow communities in a way where people start thinking first “how does this help my community?” - especially when looking at political and business decisions. We need to feel something positive to stand up for (not old fashioned ideas of ‘country’ or political groups) - we simply need mutually supportive groups (communities) that fight power, greed and selfishness to defend people, animals and nature.

  • I had allergies for years. It was like a constant cold or worse - runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy throat, brain fog, fatigue, a little difficulty breathing (from being bunged up all the time), occasional tinnitus, etc. It was often a living hell. Often I couldn’t exercise, because the extra breathing from exertion would make symptoms worse again. Symptoms would seem to go in cycles to an extent, but they never went away completely.

    I went back and forth to doctors who were all useless. In the end, I tried cutting out various things in my diet. I was already vegan, which, by cutting out dairy, had reduced the symptoms for years, but I was still suffering from constant colds, just not as bunged up or run down as previously. I ended up finding that wheat was making everything worse. It took 5 weeks of not having any wheat at all (and before that. various other things) to find this out. Since then, I cut out all wheat, and hardly ever get cold like symptoms (or colds) any more, and never get hayfever any more. (The only time symptoms return is when I screw up and have wheat or spelt accidentally or thoughtlessly).

    I found I’m also allergic to touching cardboard - I can’t handle it without gloves or I’ll get eczema, basically Having cardboard in the room where I sleep is a bad idea, and can set off itchy eyes and a slight sniffle. I’m also affected by damp and mold in a house, but less so since cutting out wheat.

    I’m not saying everything is a wheat allergy, but it’s definitely worth trying to isolate things. I found you need to completely cut something out of your diet for 5 to 6 weeks to notice if it’s affecting you. Start with more common things or things you know to be bad.

    Also, one year I suddenly starting getting allergic reactions to beer - pretty much any kind of beer brought on itchy, weeping eyes, sore throat, sneezing, etc. with symptoms lasting for hours. I talked to another guy who had the same thing happen in the same year, and we thought it might be to do with a change in yeast or sulphites or something that affected all brewers. I cut out beer, and years later cut out all alcohol.

    I’ve found eating mostly organic food, cutting out cane sugar (and fructose syrup and similar), wheat, and alcohol has removed nearly everything that was making me ill for so long. It took a long time to find what worked for me, and doctors were absolutely no help at all. Pills and drugs only mask symptoms and don’t deal with the root cause, and can often stop working after a while, depending on what’s affecting you and how (this is what I’d found in the past, anyway). Diet and environment changes seem to have better long term results by far.

    Food is grown as a commodity to make investors rich - a lot of it is literally poisonous; but it is possible in nearly every country to filter out the worst crap and get to healthier options. But look for changes in your environment, too - new paint in the house, a damp patch previously unnoticed, changed ingredients in laundry liquid/powder, new clothes, cat litter, etc. Something could be triggering all of this, and it can take some detective work to isolate it.

    (And to answer expected questions about being a vegan who doesn’t eat wheat or sugar or drink alcohol: I eat well, I eat plenty, and I have never felt healthier or better in ny life. But I do eat a wide range of fruit, veg, grains, beans, seeds, nuts, etc. and I mostly make my own food). And I’m not selling anyone veganism or a gluten free diet or anything else, just saying what worked for me when nothing else did.

    Good luck, and I hope you find relief soon!

  • euchriduk @lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world...
    9 months ago

    Not FOSS, but Renoise is phenomenal and works on Linux, at least. Made by a very small company. Difficult to get used to if you’re not familiar with trackers, but not that difficult. It’s not Ableton Live, but it’s way up there in terms of professionalism and flexibility. And it’s very cheap, too.

  • Meditation (as in, observing your thoughts without judgement, allowing them space, cultivating awareness and compassion). You don’t have to sit and focus on a candle or image or get the right breathing techniques or follow any kind of religion. Pema Chodron’s books are a very accessible and easy to read, and you don’t need to be a Buddhist to follow her work.

    Look for spiritual sustenance in nature and in compassionate people. I find a lot of reassuring and helpful approaches in Jiddu Krishnamurti’s works, particularly his understanding that cultivating awareness and honest, open observation will increase compassion in yourself and will spread compassion in the world. (It’s more nuanced than that, but that’s an element of his observations). People with something genuinely helpful to say are not selling you anything - neither an idea or a product.

    The news is there to sell things - ideas and products. Most news sources are selling a political and/or religious idea and bias as well as literally advertising products. News media is a business, making money from advertising. They don’t make money from selling ideas that life can be satisfying or enjoyable without buying stuff or doing things that make politicians and religious leaders more rich or powerful. Always read the news with a critical eye and look at what isn’t being focused on, not what is. Search for interesting personal stories, not headlines to get a slightly better perspective on the world.

    There was a study done a few years ago that found that 60% of social media accounts were fake. That number is probably higher now, and there is more AI, too. The news and media and even federated systems are all manipulated in various ways. Huge congregations of right wing end-times Christians work like bot farms to spread fear and misinformation across all platforms: their goal is to speed up destruction because they believe in an afterlife that is only possible if the unbelievers are destroyed. They spread so much fear around feminism, LGBTQ+ issues, trans debates, flat earth nonsense, climate change denial, pro and anti vaccine arguments, etc. They just use whatever works to stir people up; they will take either side of an argument. The Taliban and Al-Queada worked in the same way, to similar ends. Israel and Russia and China all use these manipulation tactics too, to slightly different ends. The UK and Europe have other methods and goals (destroy threats to capitalism and neo colonialism, be seen as good guys). There are bot farms, hackers and paid accounts for every type of greedy power addict. But they all want destruction of perceived rivals, and they want one group of people to be afraid of another. It’s all lies and manipulation - some of it works, in a way, but a lot of it doesn’t. The fact they are all using these tactics show how desperate and afraid they are. We need to remember just how manipulated news stories and media are, and how the governments and organisations of the world are all trying to fool each other’s populations. Before the internet, you only saw your own country’s propaganda - now you see it all, and the system is falling apart in front of our eyes.

    The news is not the sum total of things that are happening; it’s what is making someone more money or more power. The news doesn’t report all the people who had a pleasant day, or did a little bit better than yesterday - but how can it? Remember that for every horror story in the news, a thousand times more people were doing OK or better.

    Do something that brings you actual joy every day. If you are honest with yourself, you find that actual joy is always the simple things - a favourite food, bouncing a ball, sitting under a tree, reading a good story, caring for a pet, holding hands quietly with a loved one, watching the clouds, riding a bike in nature, making music and art, reading a comic… Whatever small joys you can find, do them every day if you can, even if you’re living in a war zone. The small joys are reality, and sometimes you’ll experience big joys, although you don’t need them so often. News and depressive thoughts are not reality, only skewed and biased ways of looking at parts of reality. Moments of small joy are often all of reality that really matters.

    Meditation (in whatever form works for you) can help you to experience the sensation that you are not your thoughts. “You” are something that exists with or without thoughts. It is not enough to consider this idea, it is something you need to actually experience, as often as possible. By extension, the world is not the collective thoughts and opinions of people: there is a reality of existence beyond all the nonsense we project on top of it.

    Look for humour and go back to things that help you remember that there is always a lot to laugh about in world. Try to avoid cruel, mocking humour and yet be open to finding life-affirming humour even amongst the worst tragedies.

    Cultivate compassion for yourself and the world around you. Ultimately aim to do everything out of compassion - not obsession or selfishness, fear or greed. If you need to be alone, be compassionate for yourself and others that need to be alone; if you need to be with other people, be compassionate for them. Don’t look for things in return: it is not a transaction. Compassionate action will not only bring you joy and peace, they will spread it. Practice compassion for everything - plants, animals, yourself, and other people. True compassion is not draining or tiring; it is a letting go of things like prejudice and judgement. It is not easy to do, it is something to work at.

    Have positive, achievable goals and work on them whenever you can. You will get setbacks; it’s OK. Life shouldn’t be lived on a flat surface, there should ups and downs. It’s a journey, and a true journey should be interesting, across a changing landscape. When you have downs, recognise that there will necessarily be an up before long. The same us true for people around you, and the world.

    Work on things you can change for the better, don’t focus on what you can’t. But actually work on the things you can change. It doesn’t matter how small they are; in many ways, the universe is not interested in big or small; and small things can make big changes anyway, like atoms or bacteria or blood cells (which can all do equally good or bad things, from our human perspective).

    There are injustices and tragedies and traumas happening around the world; there are as many beautiful, loving kind things happening at the same time, probably more. The internet, the TV, the newspapers, magazines, books and media are just very small windows for an infinitely large world. We often think we’re seeing everything, but we are seeing very little. Our only reality is when we are not looking at life through these small windows - but we spend so much time looking through them that we forget reality. Do things that take you back to reality. If that reality is painful, approach it with compassion and it will gradually get less painful.

    Work in reducing suffering in all forms for yourself and everything around you. Don’t contribute to suffering and don’t dwell on guilt and fear. Acknowledge those experiences, but let them pass. Don’t push bad things away, but don’t give them energy - just observe them, and return to things that create joy and peace, no matter how small. You don’t have to fix things or cure things that are bad, just work on making them a little bit better.

    Remember that a lot of bad news is only a matter of perspective. So much of what we hear about - wars, corruption, illness, oppression, greed - are clear signs that the perpetrators of those things are desperate. Desperate people feel as though they are losing; they are doing everything they can to hold on to power, and they are lashing out. But they are losing the fight (most of which is with themselves or each other). Yes, we are the victims of their lashing out, but their viciousness and fear-mongering is because they are losing. They are losing because they have lost compassion and kindness and love. If we don’t cultivate those things, we will join them in desperation and fear; if we do continue to cultivate those things, they can never defeat us, because we are not even trying to win or to fight. We are surviving and growing and living. They can hurt us, but they can’t defeat us, and when they hurt us, they hurt themselves. But when we try to hurt them, we hurt ourselves, too. We end the fight by inviting them (the desperate, the rich, the powerful) to join us in compassion and kindness, by turning away from suffering and from causing suffering. There is no action too small to help make the world a better place.

    Thank you for coming to my Wendy’s Ted Talk.

  • That page is pretty misleading, though: it’s mostly talking about ‘Instant Amswers’ which is its AI (presumably) paid partnership answer bot thing at the top of the results. Further down, it says: “Of course, we have more traditional links and images in our search results too, which we largely source from Bing.”

    So, although they don’t use Bing exclusively, that’s where the majority of non AI-answer-bot stuff is coming from. And I’m guessing the AI is Bing/Microsoft powered anyway, although I can’t be sure.