• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I love how it works, I hate how careless they handle user data. I don’t trust kdewallet because it forgot my wifi passwords multiple times, suddenly demanded a password for a passwordless wallet, or lost the wallet alltogether. I lost tons of old emails when kmail switched to akonadi storage instead of plain mail folders. And why did they change my desktop background after an update? Can’t they just respect my settings and stuff a little bit -.-

  • Watch the 4080 super reviews on wednesday, there should be fresh 7900xtx data in there to make up your mind. It is 2x faster than the 2080ti according to techpowerup, so you might be getting 140-180 fps on your setup and allow you to skip a generation. The 7800xt has dropped to €500 sinds the superduper launches, fingers crossed for your 7900xtx.

  • I would wait at least until a week after the 4080 super comes out, this should impact 7900xtx pricing and is really soon.

    Personally I would consider waiting the ~8 months for RDNA4 and be the first to buy the new flagship if I had your budget and monitor demands, and rock the 2080ti on medium and dlss if necessary.