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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020


  • The Palestinian resistance groups have been saying very clearly that they welcome support like how Hezbollah, Yemen, Iran, and the Iraqi groups have been providing. But that they do not want other nations sending in troops. That they will be seen as an occupying force and will be treated as one. Though I might be conflating them entering Gaza and West Bank. So maybe the other areas that are “Israel” based on the 1968 maps? Seems like another chance for them to make a stop into PKK areas on the way?

  • The over-reliance on making so many weapons basically self-automated instead of actually needing humans further magnifies how little lives matter and how much more profits do. Yet we have seen historically many times over how these over-hyped systems/weapons sold at higher and higher costs are made pointless by real humans with “dumb” systems/weapons. Look at the NVA/Viet Cong, Iraqi resistance, Taliban, PKK, and so many other “less advanced” fighters were able to show how all the tech didn’t matter. The “advanced” shit is all made to supposedly fight “modern battlefields” that we haven’t really seen be reality. Even the actual military leaders over the years have admitted as much.

    All the “modern” shit just makes it easier to remove the humanity of conflict. It is much easier to kill lots of people if done through the eyes of a computer. Not to mention the false sense of assumed victory by some default. If we did see these “modern” wars with all sides using the shit the Military Industrial Complex hypes up so much. Then we would just see just mass destruction and death caused by computers fighting computers. Pretty sure nukes would be used really quick too.

  • The ROK has been at least trying to play things smart with regards to keeping much cooler heads than the US over the past 8yrs. Even if things have regressed on their end, I think that they aren’t likely to push for making their own nukes. The DPRK knows that having them and using them are two very different things. Having them means the US and ROK can’t just attack out of nowhere without a real fucking response. But using them means that it would likely lead to all nuclear nations unloading. As far as Japan is concerned, they are one of the most anti-nuke nations period given that they are the only nation to have seen the results and horror.

    The US so far seems to have the most trigger happy assholes that default to “just nuke 'em and no more issues” for just about every geopolitical issue ever since we used them. So far we have lucked out that the presidents that were overseeing the initial push to build so many of them woke up to the death cult of war hawks. The others either saw that if the US were to use them first, then it would mean we would lose the war of optics. Or they happened to be in charge while less tension on that level was going on.

    And of course Reagan literally seems to have only learned how truly horrible and fucked shit would be after watching a made for TV movie about the horrors of a post-nuclear war world would be like. Better than nothing but it really pisses me off how so many US leaders both A: acted like the USSR couldn’t possibly be upping their shit based on real fear of the US just doing what we keep doing in just attacking/invading other nations. And B: honestly just seem to think that it is okay for US to put them everywhere but any other nation doing so is “acts of aggression.”

  • CEOs need to be taken out and any and all parachute deals they signed should be voided if they harm (mentally and/or physically) workers. And that should mean that when shit like Boeing happens where many more lives are also impacted (many even sadly paying). Then that CEO should be executed and so should the other C letter titles AND the entire board of major shareholders (and best believe the lawmakers that took money from them also should catch that fate).

  • I highly doubt the US intelligence agencies aren’t tapping StarLink. We already know for a fact that they were/are tapping Google and other carriers (if they didn’t already have actual backdoors made for them by the companies). We also know that the intelligence agencies also like to either flip employees or simply have their own people get jobs there and get access. Being honest, for all the bans on using Chinese equipment/devices for fear of spying (even when other governments were already analyzing and finding nothing). I don’t see why any other nation shouldn’t be doing the same for US stuff on their infrastructure/networks.

    We are historically not very trustworthy, and have been basically one of the top nations for getting into shit that wasn’t even made by us (along with Israel) like the Stuxnet attack. We accuse other nations of shit while damn sure doing it ourselves, like a cheater that then constantly accuses the other partner of cheating.

    Obviously any nation trying to use something like StarLink would be foolish to not use any and all methods for encrypting all traffic.

  • That is true in how workers should be. I am not from Australia, but a lot of workers might feel pressure to answer for fear of some kind of actions (likely a higher chance of being written up for some other BS). While this pressure could still be felt and managers can always find reasons to go after anyone. I think that given the way that fucked up work practices have gotten worse (at least in my opinion), it is very important that shit like this be added to laws.

    Any pro-worker protections that can help fill the gaps where unions are missing/lacking is good while capitalism is the way of the world. And of course should be some of the first laws and constitutional setups in all anti-capitalist states as personal times should be important and separate from work times. So in all states/nations there should be clear rights for workers and place lives before profits/jobs.

  • US has convinced itself and many of the most powerful nations (ie the West) that it is China that is trying to “take over other nations” or otherwise control them by “expanding their empire.” Even though they are not, and are anti-imperialist. Or how places like Cuba aren’t allowed to be traded with due to their “oppressive governments.” But the US is still somehow the “good guys” and should just be allowed to patrol the whole world by land, air, sea, and space. That it is allowed to strike and occupy other nations without any approval by said nations. Oh and it is also somehow fair or good that even if all other nations in the UN vote one way that the US can stop a democratic vote by voting the other way.

    Just love how this is what US lead democracy for the world works. /s

  • Two things that IDF and US law enforcement share is both being scared 24/7, and constantly going out of their way to do everything possible to paint civilians as active enemy combatants/terrorists. Yet they always like to say shit like “if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to fear” to us. Also love to do everything to give off the air of being such “badasses protecting the masses”. Fuck all of them, and they will certainly have much to fear once the masses start to actually come for them. Not very leftist of me to say, but if they are finally taken I can only hope that they are not given fast or painless ends. As they had their chance to stand with the masses and chose to be lapdogs for zionists/fascists/the oppressors of the working classes. Reactionaries are pussies and take out their rage on everyone they feel is weaker than they are.

  • I have also seen one or more comments on another post about this situation (I think on Hexbear) saying it might have been one of the Iron Dome missiles. That the supposed failed rocket from Hamas failed to launch correctly, but was maybe high enough to still have caused a lock-on by the ID. Though I don’t know enough about how the dome works to really say how likely it would happen. As it could be an opportunistic moment for Israel to launch a few non-ID attack missiles. While the media would be more likely to be streaming the air-explosions from the intercept missiles.

  • No fucking way should that happen. Both Hamas and the other Palestinians know that lack of any collateral completely removes literally any tiny amount of leverage they have. They already tried working with the US and Israel in the “correct” ways, and just always get fucked without any real ability to push back. They would be better off just constantly uploading or streaming videos of them taking care of the folks in all possible ways. Allow families to see that (aside from lacking resources) their loved ones are fine.

    Also would allow a constant look at the blanket bombings from Israel are the only things placing them in any physical harm or mental distress (aside from the obvious stress that anyone being held hostage would feel). Would be maybe useful for upping pressure on Israel to stop turning off the power and water, and for allowing aid supplies in. It won’t stop Israel but would help in getting more people and nations to stop voicing/giving support to them and the US. Because the US and Israeli govs and media will still act like it is Hamas and Palestinians as a whole are the “unreasonable” ones.

  • Pocket Casts isn’t on Android. I kept hearing it brought up when I was looking to replace DoggCatcher and went with Podcast Addict. Took Google so long to finally allow people to manually add feeds from URL. Which was why I never really used it unless just wanting to stream an old ep of a listed show randomly. So when they added that ability, I was happy to see they seemed to be kind of supporting it seriously. But I was already moved to PA and am glad to not gone with Google.

    I liked their original Listen app for being ridiculously bare bones and no ads or anything that requires more data. But they killed that long ago. I am not sure if Google just loves to create trust issues with users. Or if they just really have self esteem issues and can only act in dramatic ways that don’t make sense.

  • Seems more like a lesson learned from all the people the US placed in Gitmo without even a secret trial. And at least China had the argument that they literally did have many spread out terrorist attacks from more radical believers in the Uyghur communities inside China. I think that both the US and China handled shit bad as fuck. But until the US fully shuts down Gitmo and returns it to Cuba, and ends all of our black sites. Then it isn’t exactly something that the US has any real right to talk any shit about just because it is China. We are beyond the level of tyrannical, we are just better at controlling the narrative and have somehow been allowed to just dictate what other nations are “good” and “evil”.

    China is doing more to un-fuck their bad choices, as they have made sure that folks that shouldn’t have been mixed in were able to get jobs and technical/vocational training/school. The US never put any tiny amount of even PR level shit for helping Muslims we grabbed up and tortured while being held without any level of legal protections. There are some folks that might just be kept forever at this point as they are afraid that those people might become actual terrorists after being treated so badly while innocent.

    Does that mean China gets a pass? No. But the US has done far more in the past 40 years to create the very extremists and terrorists that we keep seeing pop-up. We have done more to create suffering on a global scale since the end of the British Empire. We just hide it better and our gaslighting is top notch from media to trade. Just because we have “freedom of speech” doesn’t mean we aren’t tyrannical.

  • If they were to have tried to retroactively charge anyone. That shit would be immediate lawsuits from every dev. And I would hope that all of them would manage to not let it be turned into a simple class action situation. Make them go to court in every possible state and for each dev/studio. Bleed them completely dry and force them into bankruptcy bad enough for the source code to be acquired and open sourced. And after the company is done, then bleed the entire C-staff and anyone that approved this fucked up move. But not just financially bleed either. Got to set some real fucking examples about fucking around. Maybe even make it fun for the devs that would’ve ended up paying the most, and let them drive a knife in their backs for every charge that the devs would’ve been charged.

  • For real! Hell, they even openly tried to fucking join NATO at one point. They tried going capitalist as fuck really fast to get the west to back the fuck off of the whole “most evil nation that is always trying to end the world because communism”. But it wasn’t going to ever matter and were still always painted as being a KGB police dictatorship, even though the west was treating other nations with much more literal versions of that shit as being our best friends in “freedom”. NATO existing after the USSR and now even expanding to literally non-North Atlantic regions at this point should be so fucking obvious to it being anything other than a mob. Everything “aggressive” being done by Russia is the result of NATO members (especially the US and UK but not limited to them) never having any plans to let Russia be treated as equal.

    And the idea that China is basically pulling an op on making Russia bow to them is beyond some of the dumbest lib (both conservative and progressive)/reactionary shit. They were both being treated in every bad-faith ways possible and constantly being loudly pushed as being “evil” no matter what. Both are treated as trying to push the world into another war anytime they do big military training exercises (both joint and just within their branches internally). While the US and NATO are constantly rolling up on their borders and making sure to do similar or larger exercises and always seen as somehow not aggressive/pushing for war.