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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Thank you for sharing this.

    Been thinking a lot about the overall extent of content shared and user types involved in growth or just simple involvement.

    What is it that we have found about our habits of use with migrating over from Reddit?

    • Fulfillment of niche topics for informative need without commenting or low participation.

    • Trend analysis on subject.

    • Central point of truth or awareness for a subject.

    • Community sense of belonging to subject.

    I come to see new things I follow or to look for help on something. I like having somewhat of an aggregated news feed from several news sources.

    I comment on things I feel I can contribute to but while typically not when it’s just an informative share. You get an upvote if it qualifies. Kind of like a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Communicated and Informed) approach.

    R - you get a lengthy comment with possible responses.

    A - A comment for follow up. With an upvote.

    C - upvote and comment potentially usually a thank you

    I - upvote as a thanks

  • It’s a mental adjustment. It’s a schedule or routine you and your partner may need to build. All depends on how you keep your domicile concerning the errands aspect.

    I’d carve out your productive time or when the creative juices flow and try to get that moment for you setup for the day you’d get. Then have your mindmap, notebook or whatever easily accessible to just note or draw your thoughts on the problems or concepts.

    Maybe you can look into alternative sleep cycles (Edison, Tesla, Bell etc) and see if that allows for a you time.

    I’ve found looking for news aggregated sites related to your niche can also just give you a little pick me up boost to stay in the know on trends but also gives you content for say a Pocket or repo to gather content to read before bed or another time. Heck even reading it to your young one.

    I’ve been combatting this for several years. Once the independence kicks in for them you are freed of things you thought you would never be. Also really neat when they are interested and or can do work while mom or dad works.

    About payment problems. If the employer looks to 4 day work weeks it’s either going to be 4-8’s or 4-10’s and if 8’s to stay competitive will need to accommodate for 5-8’s pay schedule. Then there is the pay off of carving out your time to maybe push a side project or contribute for a slice of revenue that could be your play money.

  • If only this were true for all.

    That one day usually gets occupied with wanting to clean the house or get other chores done so the weekend is available for the family to enjoy together.

    Daycare costs cause for reevaluation of need once they hit school age.

    Employers also need to have upgrading or continued education built into budgets to allow for that growth as well or at least I’m hopeful they would do that. Understandably you train people to leave is the mantra I’ve heard over and over. But those tend to be the better employers and the good karma comes back to them.