DO they geneuinly improve results or you are in it just for privacy ?
Mind elaborating?
I have noticed this too, DDG is giving me more of what i want, google always disappoints with random an unrerlated resutls, Some of the resultso of DDG are not even visible in first page of google results.
Not happening anytime soon.
Nothing will happen, a notice will be issued and TikTok won’t give a fuck. Don’t forget it is literally owned by CCP. Why would it fear some US state.
Losing reddit archived content would have disastrous content on internet. It is one of the last trustworthy source of opinios/information left on the internet. Everything else feels autogenerated and fakewould have disastrous content on internet. It is one of the last trustworthy source of opinios/information left on the internet. Everything else feels autogenerated and fake.
Came here to say this.
Still did not Understand, I guess not watched enought isekai