• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This is Ohio. The Republicans will just keep calling referendums on the same thing over and over again until they get the results they want. They don’t care. They literally use dirty tricks to circumvent what the citizens want every year. Just look at how medical marijuana played out.

    First try: The governor gets the bank to cancel the account of the pro-weed side, because the organization had the word “marijuana” in its name. No bank account, can’t be a real group, can’t put something on the ballot. Sucks to be you.

    Second try: The legislature tried and failed to keep the legal weed issue off the ballot. So instead, they put their own weed issue on the ballot that would forever prevent legal weed in Ohio (even if the first issue passed), and then gave it a name that was almost identical to the pro-weed issue. I seem to remember that neither ended up passing because voters were, as intended, confused, and just having the second issue on the ballot split the vote.

    Third try: The issue got on the ballot, the polls were high, everyone in the state basically was ready to stand out in the rain and vote in favor of medical marijuana. So the legislature called a special session and passed their own legal medical marijuana law, and then convinced the courts that their law made the ballot issue obsolete, so it was thrown out.

    BUT, the legislature’s version was a clusterfuck in that the legislature had to personally approve applications for grow ops and dispensaries. A few hundred businesses applied for the permit, and, last I checked, 0 were approved. This led to a situation where it was legal to have medical marijuana, but not legal to buy or grow it, or bring it in from out of state. Which means if you get caught with weed, the cops couldn’t cite you for having weed (if you had your med card), but they could site you for buying or transporting that weed, because there’s no way to legally get it in the state.

    That was like six or seven years ago, and I haven’t kept up with it, but if there’s a single legal dispensary in Ohio, I will be incredibly surprised. The whole point was to not approve any.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    It’s not just me. If I was literally the only other person in the store, sure, I could understand that, they thought they were alone, they weren’t expecting to encounter anyone else.

    How the fuck do you just stop being aware of an entire seething mass of other humans flowing around you?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    Yes, I am incredibly unfriendly when I’m trying to get my shit done. I want to be out of that place as fast as fucking possible. I don’t want to linger, I don’t want to chat, and I sure as fuck have never in my life been so distracted that a hundred other moving, talking people just vanished completely from my awareness. Is that some kind of ADHD thing? Some manifestation of executive dysfunction, like always being late and never letting anyone else talk in a conversation if they can’t actively shout over you?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    What mental disorder does this fall into?

    This is totally bouncing off of me. How can a person, in a public space, surrounded at all times by other people, just forget they exist for any amount of time, for any reason? They’re fucking everywhere. They’re breathing, they’re talking, their cart wheels are squeaking, the footsteps from their rubber-soled shoes are echoing off the hard tile floors, how do your senses just stop registering any of that?

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    Hey man if you want to read every interaction in the worst possible light that’s on you.

    Please suggest to me a better way to read an interaction in which someone in a very crowded public place just happens to forget that the possibility exists that another human might also need to get down that aisle. “Oopsie doodle! I forgot I was surrounded by a hundred people who would really rather get this chore done as fast as possible! Again! Silly me!”

    Give me a charitable interpretation of that person who doesn’t take even a split second to consider anyone else in their environment without having to be verbally admonished.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    People aren’t mind readers and they aren’t purposely trying to make your life harder.

    Oh, now I get it. They just don’t even notice or acknowledge the existence of other people unless someone reminds them that such mythical beings exist.

    Yeah, you’re right, I’m much more sympathetic to them now. They’re not mean, they’re just amazingly self-centered and oblivious!

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    a handful of times at most

    You must have Shaq’s hands, because I’ve experienced this literally every time I’ve gone to a grocery store throughout my entire adult life.

    Get the fuck out of the way or someone less hinged than I am is going to move you.

  • VoxAdActa@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlOMG
    1 year ago

    You’re totally right, that makes me feel so much better about having to wait idly for the next 19 minutes rather than get my shopping done. They’re not in my way, they’re connecting! I should try to connect with them, too!

    Wow, they left. Why don’t they want to connect anymore?

  • And from images of ice cascading into the sea, you genuinely drew the conclusion that Antarctica would be completely ice-free in less than 12 years?

    So, nobody actually told you that, you just decided it was true after seeing video of ice falling into the sea. But that decision was firm enough in your mind to cause you to believe that, since there is still some ice in 2023, the doom-sayers of the Discovery channel were wrong and we had nothing to worry about?

    Fascinating. I wish I had the ability to make those kinds of amazing leaps of reasoning on subjects I know absolutely nothing about and then believe them hard enough to post snarky shit in public.

  • All of my bitterness and cynicism in my previous post is actually, now that I sit down and think about it, motivated by concern. For you, for our community, for all of us. I’ve gotten to a point where I have nothing left to fight with; I can only use the privilege that comes with my specific level of social function and direction of hyperfocus to hide (as much as possible) and pass as a slightly-weird member of NT culture.

    As worried as I am that you and others will come to the same fate, I’m also glad that there are still people with some fight in them, who love talking about the community and trying to spread their knowledge with those outside of it. You’re doing a good thing. I just worry about you while you’re doing it, and I’m not hopeful that it will help in the long run.

    But I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

  • We are literally “in peril” either way.

    Yes, you’re right.

    How about NT have some personal fucking growth and acknowledge that they have not given half a shit about how much ND people have contributed to society while being shat on CONSTANTLY for being socially different.

    Great idea. Will never happen. Not in a million giggity years. It’s like saying the best way to stop mountain lion attacks is to teach mountain lions to not attack.

    Treating NTs and the society they built like they are all rational actors who give a fuck is the most dangerous, naive, and stupid thing I ever did in my life. We must treat them like impersonal, implacable forces of nature that cannot be educated or reasoned with, only prepared for so that we can mitigate their inevitable destructive effects on our lives.

    I spent most of my life trying to “inform” the NT-society hurricane about how much it hurts me. It’s pointless. Give up, spend your energy and your focus on figuring out how to protect yourself from them. The results on your everyday life will be far better.