• Transfem enby
  • She/her or they/them
  • Anti-fascist, anti-racist
  • Reddit refugee…

Say it with me

Trans rights are human rights!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • … or maybe she thought it’s an edgy sticker and fits her style?

    Idk. But if you really were serious about smashing capitalism, it’s kinda irrelevant how much stuff you buy, there’s a lot of groundwork to be done, organizing and educating. For all we know, that may be what she’s doing in that photo.

    If she dressed in rags, owned nothing and was homeless, I fail to see how that would accomplish anything more.

    Although I prefer to support local businesses, not a fan of massive corporate chains. My city has dozens of local coffee shops that serve fair trade products. I can walk to a half dozen of them, whether or not I bring my ancient 2011 laptop. But I do love my principles being questioned by smug internet randos so 🖕

  • Lmao I can’t even imagine what crazy surrealist shit I’d come up with in my sleep.


    “So, fembywho, I believe you worked last night, any progress you would like to share?”

    “Ahem. Yes, uh. cough I searched for the lost spirit of my old acquaintance V from high school who bravely sacrificed herself for the good of humanity, and now is our only help against the alien menace. My companions thought her temple would be the most likely place to search, but I didn’t expect to find anything. Her spirit is hiding somewhere only I can find, but I haven’t been able to access that knowledge. I have seen visions and flown across many lands.”

    “Excellent progress. Keep us informed.”

  • My advice: make sure he has other interests and socializes.

    I was obsessed with coding from age 7, and now wish I had spent that time otherwise, more being a “normal” kid and less time sitting alone giving orders to a damned computer. Once I reached my mid-twenties the joy died in the realities of the job market, and now I can’t even think about that crap anymore.

    You know what I enjoy now? Playing a guitar. Didn’t start until age 30, and it was like a revelation.

    Sorry I didn’t answer your question. I still think any parent who wants to “get their child started” on something early should heed my advice and experience. I am for real a walking, talking (sometimes) warning.

  • What’s the point?

    I make more than most of my acquaintances in the city (my friends are poor), yet it’s not enough to rent a house much less buy one. It’s not enough to save for retirement. It’s not even enough to move to a better apartment. The only reason I can think of owning a house is my inheritance - period.

    My company touts their generous benefits which start on day one. But I’m about to lose access to my therapist because they want to push virtual and self-help resources instead. They publish pamphlets that exaggerate medical benefits, when you go to use them the insurance company says “Nah lol.”

    We have no union and in fact the state disincentivized formation of unions with “right to work” laws.

    Work leaves me feeling exhausted and hopeless. My paycheck covers the bills, buys food, and keeps a derelict roof over my head. Apparently that makes me “lucky” and I should be grateful for it.

  • Rural America is mostly a wasteland. It’s either where people of means deliberately choose to live away from society, or it’s people who are too ignorant, poor and/or drug-addled to have much choice. Neither group is going to be left-leaning… and that’s why when you look at electoral maps, you see all that red.

    Pick a highway, any will do, travel along it and tell me what you see. I already know. One little failed town after another. They might have a dive bar or ancient gas station, but most commercial buildings will be long abandoned. If you need anything, you’ll have to find a decent city with a generic walmart, dollar general, mcdonalds, etc. Long gone are the mom-and-pop grocers, general stores, etc.

    The irony is these are solid red Republican districts. Cities have major problems too, but they are full of action; plans, projects, hopes of a better future. There is no future for the average rural American.

    They are frustrated and angry, as well they should be. Too bad they can’t see the forest through the trees.

  • Well the police can declare an unlawful assembly at any time for any reason, which tends to stir up even peaceful crowds. Not to mention being face to face with militarized thugs in riot gear, drones, helicopters, armored vehicles, mounted police, tear gas and “non-lethal” rounds. If I had a gas cannister lobbed at me, why wouldn’t I toss it right back. Fuck em. ACAB.

    You might have no intention of causing trouble, but still get rounded up. Happened almost every day in my city for several months during BLM protests. Mass arrests of people in the wrong place at the wrong time. The countless live streamed videos don’t lie, each protest was non-violent until police agitated the crowd.

    I don’t go looking for trouble but I have my limits just like anyone else.