the torchbearer of sinophobia is other chinese diaspora
I’ve noticed this as well and it’s infuriating. Literally had one Chinese liberal in a group doing everything in their power to segue group conversations to some “China bad” topic. Always twisting the truth and selectively leaving stuff out, short of telling outright lies. Like one example: they grew up in China, so they know social credit score isn’t a thing, but still mentioned banning people from travelling first class om trains or something similar, with the underlying assumption that this is just one example of the “social credit score” because that’s what someone had mentioned previously. Or one time they said how they never got to vote in any election, conveniently leaving out the fact that they weren’t of voting age when living there (that came out later). Or another time they repeated all the tinyman square massacre crap. Also turns out their family is filthy rich but lost some due to some unspecified misfortunes with their businesses. Smells like classic gusano.
white society audiences crave to hear their sinophobia affirmed through a chinese face
This too, the westerners in that group love getting all their racist views confirmed by that Chinese person (who also made tons of racist blanket statements about Chinese people being this or that bad thing). They don’t even question it. They swallow the Yeonmi Park-level of bullshit immediately. And that Chinese person loves the attention they’re getting.
I thought this person was an outlier but sounds like they’re the norm.
I’ve noticed this as well and it’s infuriating. Literally had one Chinese liberal in a group doing everything in their power to segue group conversations to some “China bad” topic. Always twisting the truth and selectively leaving stuff out, short of telling outright lies. Like one example: they grew up in China, so they know social credit score isn’t a thing, but still mentioned banning people from travelling first class om trains or something similar, with the underlying assumption that this is just one example of the “social credit score” because that’s what someone had mentioned previously. Or one time they said how they never got to vote in any election, conveniently leaving out the fact that they weren’t of voting age when living there (that came out later). Or another time they repeated all the tinyman square massacre crap. Also turns out their family is filthy rich but lost some due to some unspecified misfortunes with their businesses. Smells like classic gusano.
This too, the westerners in that group love getting all their racist views confirmed by that Chinese person (who also made tons of racist blanket statements about Chinese people being this or that bad thing). They don’t even question it. They swallow the Yeonmi Park-level of bullshit immediately. And that Chinese person loves the attention they’re getting.
I thought this person was an outlier but sounds like they’re the norm.