Started a new character recently, boostpack 4 by level 4. It’s such a game changer, and you get to RP as a boost assault soldier (which btw is wildly effective, just grab a shotgun and go wild).
Started a new character recently, boostpack 4 by level 4. It’s such a game changer, and you get to RP as a boost assault soldier (which btw is wildly effective, just grab a shotgun and go wild).
I plan on having my next loop with Barrett so I can let you know when it happens.
New Atlantis is barely more of a town than the scrappy cowboy outpost. Where are my space cities?? It makes sense for a Skyrim/fantasy village to be small, but when you can ship in infinite food from all across the galaxy with grab drives you have no excuse for a lack of mega cities.
The best ship parts are both perk/talent locked AND level locked. So you need piloting 4 && ship upgrade 4 && level 48 or whatever.
Dumb af.
It’s part of the main story. Don’t worry about it, play the game at your pace etc
You can EM then which is pretty funny.
Especially the 20th time :/
I have only gotten a few flirt options, nothing past that. On my second character since my first one’s main story broke. Do you know how long you keep your follower before they care?
How’s this gripe; ‘B’ is bound to, depending on the inventory, Favorite, Equip, or Jettison. So if you are distracted and go to Equip/Favorite an item it just gets trashed. Big sad for quest reward gun :(
It could be explained away with future science in-game, but it’s not.
Imagine if enemies could use boostpacks in combat intelligently. Modders when.