• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I really don’t see the point in voting when the executive and legislative branches are bought and paid for with candidates I don’t approve of.

    Bernie Sanders’ constituents are incredibly fortunate. The candidates available for my districts oppose socialized medicine, returning stock market regulations (e.g. outlawing stock buybacks), and the 32 hour workweek mandate.

    When I have someone I can vote for, then I’ll vote. Otherwise fuck it, waste of my time.

  • Shadywack@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldIntroducing GNOME 46, “Kathmandu”
    3 months ago
    • VRR is finally in but experimental, and will need to refactor the explicit sync codebase when that’s merged in…so we’re 4 years away from usable?
    • Fractional scaling still experimental, after 4 years, so terrible experience for people with 4K displays
    • Still no UI menu to alphabetize apps automatically
    • Still no proper kstatusnotifier solution, so people will still install that extension
    • Still no auto-hide for Dash, back to using dash-to-dock
    • Breakage for extensions AGAIN

    Garbage project by garbage devs, backed by a garbage corporate sponsor (IBM). Expect a garbage experience, thanks for nothing Guh-nome. Thank goodness for KDE and the Plasma project, which has UI solutions for all of the above and much MUCH more to make a cohesive well functioning DE with sane UX.

  • “How old are you, mate? Does this look like Jackanory to you?! I know you’ve lost a lot of money, but you won’t find a penny of it in them books. If you wanna know what’s happening in the world, take a look at the world. Go take a walk down the high street. See all the shops closed down. Look at the homeless people under the bridge. Go home, and ask your mum about her financial situation. Ask your friends, ask your friend’s mums. The time for books is over, mate. You’re here now. Look at the world with your fucking eyes.”

    That’s pretty damn sobering, and accurate. We’re so use to being told what to think, and my whole takeaway from this, apart from “Eat The Rich”, is to look for yourself. What he wrote after that paragraph is something we all should be doing. Looking at housing prices, looking at where real people are squeezed, and to act based on that. We’re just cattle.

    I look at the US primaries and caucuses and I see nothing but bullshit, “cute moments” as described in this article that won’t help us at all. I look at Bernie Sanders’ bill about the 32 hour workweek and I think about the weak willed moderate Democrats who won’t vote for it, and all the scumbag Republicans who are not even hiding that they’re part of this exact problem of enriching the rich while removing wealth from everyone beneath them.

    Capitalism can work, when its heavily regulated with active oversight and robust enforcement. We haven’t had a free market in many decades, the joke is on all the BS Republicans are peddling.

  • Well said, that’s what we call canard advice. Unhelpful advice that’s obvious to everyone and does no fucking good to say whatsoever. You can cook more when your primary financial needs are met, so you can just work 40 hours in a week. That and the RTO mandates going around are robbing people of a significant chunk of time yet again ontop of overemployment. When you have to work a 10 hour day and commute an hour plus each direction, then come home and “cook” something, it usually translates to heating up frozen shit and then wishing you weren’t miserable.

    Been there and done that, fuck hustle culture.

  • As a resident of one of these towns, another issue is that many people who are knowledgeable or capable are simply trapped. Several years ago in the area I live we use to have an economic development council that sponsored some proposals on alternatives to the anchor industry here (coal fired power generation), I shit you not, one of the remarks made by the workshops was a reference to a 2017 WSJ article that stated "rural is the new ‘inner city.’”

    Rural areas have, and I’m quoting someone who presented at a workshop “lower economic status, lower education levels, higher wage gap, poorer health, higher rates of teen birth, and greater impacts from the opioid epidemic.”

    The largest obstacle facing the trapped knowledgeable and educated people in rural areas is the obscene fucking cost of housing and the double-negative we’re facing on having little equity and cheap housing, where we want to move somewhere desirable and progressive having housing that’s beyond our lifetime earnings potential.

    For the ignorant, this feeds into the anger cycle of wanting to just burn the whole thing down, and for the reds they look at every way they can fuck things up for the rest of us as a middle finger back at the country for the squalor they’re stuck with. They’d rather burn the forest down than try to fix anything, because they’re also lazy. Lazy in the sense of not wanting or accepting change. They’ll work hard at what they know, but learning new concepts is pushed against.

    That doesn’t make it right, and I agree with you on all counts. Unity would get them a hell of a lot farther than the same tired old Reagan rhetoric they peddle. I’m just extremely fortunate in threading the needle through economic transition and getting to stay at my house without worrying about having to move, and I don’t like the city after having grown up in the Bay Area California. What you said still resonates with me as I can tell you understand it. We have no action plan and no hope because these towns are full of people who would just rather be angry than change.