Wait till you find out about reveddit and realize half of your comments are shadowremoved with no apparent reason.
Wait till you find out about reveddit and realize half of your comments are shadowremoved with no apparent reason.
Soo. Uhh… what exactly happens when US loses it’s soft power and trust in Europe and Europe slowly cozies up to China?
This is a fine example of AI not being allowed to commonly re-use words, so it tends to use somewhat less common words
How’s it going?
“Yeah not bad, stable downfall”
Not sure on which podcast I heard this
Can plastic stay in it’s plastic form after undergoing cooking?
AI is actually known to not repeat itself. This is also why it tends to use rare/unusual words since it cannot use the same words repeatedly. Not saying this isn’t AI, but repetitiveness is not really an AI trait
But we hanged that dude on a cross, did you miss the news?
I’m trying to come up with an answer any other than “well, yes”, because, well, yes. What I understand by realistic is “non-scripted, simulated”. Bad Company didn’t have that, the destruction there was fully scripted, especially houses falling apart, which were essentially animations, so it became predictable pretty fast.
It’s pretty common nowadays. Iphones just don’t have good zoom, they never tried to be great in that field, so others who try, easily can “set new standarts”. My OnePlus phone too beats iPhone (16 pro max) in zoomed shots when comparing to co-worker’s phone. But that’s the catch - only in zoomed shots.
In quick point and shoot at 1x, iphone is still the king.
But destruction IS fun. Especially after the round ends and you see a literal battlefield with half of the trees gone
What do you think “decentralized currency” stands for? I was actually quite surprised my drug money was being used for purchase of legit goods at some point, but that didn’t really last as regulated currency is far more reliable.
To be fair, we have not seen one succesful example of communism. They all either quickly turn into authoritarism with little sprinkles of communism, or are not communism at all
I kind of stopped reading at “amazon suports (at least use proper grammar) new nuclear power plants.”
Somewhat ruined article’s/website’s credibility with that one sentence
I unplug my router so the IP changes and hacker can no longer find me. Check & Mate.
Is crypto still using more energy than entire AI industry?