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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I’d love to see the process they used when they decided to throw away backward compatibility with PSVR1 software. Surely at least one person on the team said it was a bad idea.

    I thought out of all the VR hardware manufactures out there… Sony would be the one who had the best chance to get it right. They’ve got a static SKU of hardware for all software devs to target. They’ve got multiple organizations in every known type of electronic device. Yet here we are on round two of them flubbing the potential.

  • I can’t say I’ve ever seen any showstoppers for the jellyfin Roku client, but I will say it seems rather inconsistent when using the media options menu after selecting a movie. Sometimes choosing a different video reverts to the default top choice when you hit play. Sometimes the audio selections don’t match up with the chosen video but rather a different video option, meaning any choice is the wrong choice. At one point I even got the client to say that AAC Stereo was both the chosen Video and Audio. It’s really hard to describe and never enough a nuisance to wade through the process of opening an issue.

  • Can’t say I have any interesting stories. Most of mine are just the head-scratching “I don’t know why that didn’t work; guess I need to reinstall” kind of story. Like enabling encrypted LVM on install and suddenly nothing is visible to UEFI. Or trying to switch desktop environments using tasksel and now I have a blank screen on next reboot. That lame kind of stuff.

    My coworker though… he was mindlessly copy/pasting commands and did the classic rm -rf $UNSETVARIABLE while in / and nuked months of migrated data on his newly built system. He hadn’t even set up backups yet. Management was upset but lenient.