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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • It’s simple:

    Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

    & then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


    It’s just a conditioning-step, is all.

    The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

    It’s just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

    _ /\ _

  • I’m of a kind of Vajrayana ( Tibetan AwakeSoulism/Buddhism ) which apparently died-out centuries ago.

    ( I’ve earned Soul/CellOfGod/Continuum memories from previous lives, in meditation: only 1 of those previous incarnations was human, the rest were mostly insects, like a hornet/bee/wasp probably in central Africa who saw a few humans )

    it’s abstract.

    All material-forms, all rituals, etc, are misleading, fundamentally.

    OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Brahman/G-D/EmitterOfUnconsciousSouls hasn’t any form.

    The old testament had something on that: “commandment that no-one ever mistake any form for G-D”.

    Carlos Castaneda’s guru “Juan Matus” spoke of the real Universe being abstract.

    Basically, it’s Science/Engineering of one’s Continuum’s future-condition.

    Want to be crushed under suffering more? Then crush others under suffering, & wait for the action->reaction, of the meanings emitted by one’s continuum eventually are forced back into one’s continuum.

    Want to be liberated from reincarnation/Universe’s-recycling & all the perpetual cycle-of-birth-life-sickness-injury-death-bardo…birth…?

    THEN all one has to do, is earn shedding SurfaceMind/ego duality ( which Castaneda’s tradition called “Crossing Over” & Buddhism calls realizing of Zen: same thing: ego-annihilation ), so only the 2 more-fundamental minds still are in-play,

    then earn the dissolution of one’s LifeMind, which is our unconscious & our dreaming-mind, but it can be made fully conscious & capable…

    Earning the dissolution of that leaves only the Soul/Continuum/3rdAttention ( as Castaneda’s tradition called it ).

    Once that’s done, then one only has to purify it enough so that not-only is it free from Universe’s containment/perpetual-recycling, but it eventually gets from inside Universe to outside ( which is Enlightenment: dissolution into OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/GreatSpirit/Brahman/G-D/etc )

    There are 3 kinds of mind which obliterator-force can’t understand, from our perspective:

    • Wisdom-seeing-through-phenomena’s-lack-of-inherent-nature
    • Faithing ( surrendering-to, relying-on, & being gratitude-for, LivingSpirit, one’s BuddhaNature, or other LivingInfinity/SoulGuru )
    • Bodhichitta ( immeasurable compassion for all sentiences, incapable of insecurity. It’s what Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph meant when he said “be born in spirit”, as NOTHING else comes close to that sentience. I experienced it only for 1-1.5seconds, some years ago )

    Anyways, it’s all self-evolution, eradication-of-the-ego/self, sublimation-from-ignorant-matter-to-pure-spirit, & that kind of thing…

    Just providing this for a bit of perspective: most assumption-rivers/religions don’t hold that there is some mathematical-form/judo required for a someone to get from their current-condition to their desired improved-condition, but that’s essentially how mine works.

    Current condition, desired condition, what is the geometry-of-intent which produces the alteration-of-one’s-unconscious-mind that one wants…

    _ /\ _

  • I’m suggesting you invest in reading a book on https://www.LeanPub.com called “Algebra-Driven Design”.

    the reason I’m suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you’re being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

    ( I’m presuming you code )

    By creating the domain’s algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

    I only got part-way into the book ( I’m braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980’s, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I’d seen in that book.

    I’m a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you’re fscking doomed.

    Here: got the link for you:


    _ /\ _

  • To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it’s happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we’re doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

    & altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

    ( I’m not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

    so, I can’t understand your position.

    Please don’t deem my comment worthy of answering: I’m only putting this here for the record, is all.

    Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world’ll still be fine.

  • Light.

    Absolutely stupendous quantities of high-quality, full-spectrum light.

    Live in a light-box.

    There is a circuit which goes from pigmented-ganglia ( black-pigmented nerve-endings ) in our retinas, into our brains.

    That sensor-system is rather dull, unlike the rods & cones.

    Rig a room’s light-switch so that when you flick it, suddenly you’re saturated in sufficient light to cross your light-threshold, about 1/2 second later, it’s like vital aliveness kicked into your brain.

    I’ve replicated the experiment, and I’ve gotten others to do it, too.

    One non-obvious thing, though:

    Because when we’re in the dark, we can’t remember what it felt-like to have that light-brain circuit activated ( the SAD-treatment lights are intended to cross this threshold: it’s the same mechanism ), so therefore, to treat profound, long-term depression, you NEED to get tons of lights onto a timer, & use that as your “alarm clock”.

    It works.

    It’d save many lives, if doctors would admit it is actual, evidence-based medicine, but that’d gut billions of dollars of psychiatric-industry, so … that won’t ever happen.

    ( dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I remember the grudge/hatred when the Australian researcher violated psychiatry’s established “ulcers are a psychiatric illness” dogma, with evidence showing that ulcers are created by pylorii bacteria.

    Paychiatry won’t ever do the experiment, they won’t admit it works, they won’t tolerate anybody claiming it works, etc.

    Religion is religion, and my autistic-empiricism has no validity in their reality.

    Do the experiment, though, & you’ll see that it actually tests to be true. )

  • Simplistic.

    Anarchists pretend that no-archy is both good & workable.

    No-archy, within your body, is called metastasized-cancer.

    Having bone-cells growing anywhere-they-want, is no-archy.

    Having bone-cells growing ONLY where they are supposed to be, is archy.

    Same with every kind of cells.

    Whenever police-services of whatever kind is removed from a civilization, organized-crime becomes the police.

    “Nature abhors a vacuum.”, automatically demonstrates its inevitability.

    Try un-corrupting Northern Mexico, now, after the drug-cartels became the real government of that territory.

    The hierarchy within your body, with the 4 brains running everything…

    • cortex / human-brain, capable of considered-reasoning
    • limbic / herdbeast & pack-animal brain, imprints, conditioning & reacting
    • brainstem / lizard, in charge of the mechanics of the 5 F’s: feeding, freezing, fleeing, fighting, & mating
    • nervous-system of the gut / worm brain.

    One’s gut-biome modifies the funciton of the nervous-system, significantly, too.

    But anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to evolved-intelligence, is incompetent.

    Anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to the human-advantage of considered-reasoning, produced by the cortex, is incompetent.

    Just letting all the organs in one’s body decide “by consensus” what to do, blotting-out one’s human-brain, wouldn’t produce human meaning, it’d instead produce porridge’s meaning.

    The same is true in civilization.

    You cannot have people incompetent in science doing science…

    You cannot have people incompetent in managing doing managing…

    You cannot have people incompetent in teaching doing teaching…

    without anti-strategic consequences conquering the civilization ( exactly what all countries among our world, at the moment, have done ).

    This Anark posits that hierarchy itself is the problem.

    OK, so his brain, at the top of the hierarchy within his organs-system, within his body, holds taht hierarchy itself is the wrong answer.

    Do you see the narcissistic “different rules for internally vs for externally, different rules for me vs for you” scam that politically-motivateds pull, relentlessly?

    Hierarchy itself isn’t the problem.

    The problem is the rewards-system embodied in particular hierarchies.

    Given that corruption is normal & pervasive in human-nature, the ONLY method for breaking corruption’s rule of our world is … FLOSS doing the managing.

    Make the eligibility for authority be removed by being of the narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty hexad.

    Make the eligibility for authority be contingent on one’s responsibility.

    Make it so that authority cannot be gained politically, but instead only through tested merit.

    I’m not talking about politically-highjacked “meritocracy” which always devolves down to privilege-archy, I’m talking about guaranteed-healthy-level-playing-field where education works properly, and cannot be highjacked, where adequate-nutrition is guaranteed to all students & children, where people as part of their educational development are got as competent as possible ( not as dumbed-down & turned-into-steers, as our “education” institution is oriented to doing: “the only manipulable child is a broken & insecure child”, as John Taylor Gatto, the NY State Teacher of the Year award winner, pointed-out )…

    I’m talking a kind of education where each student is brought up to their rightful capability, no matter what “grade” that is, for that subject, so you could have a 12yo learning calculus in 1 session then learning basic-English in another, instead of dumbing-down everybody to the institutionally-enforced lowest-common-denominator…

    ( fundamentally the communist concept of “education”, which is regimented mass force-feeding is evil, as it runs-over the GodGivenPotential in nearly-all of the students’ lives, manufacturing aversion-to-learning, in place of the hunger-for-understanding that had been born into kids )

    You boost up LivingPotential, and as people reach the more-competent levels, you challenge 'em more, & test 'em more…

    and you prevent the people who have the wrong character, the wrong nature, from having authority, systematically.

    THAT is missing from all political-systems in our world.

    Politics intends that narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty have exclusive-rights/authority, and uses every means possible, to gain that highjacking.

    Break political-motivation from authority of any kind.

    ONLY THEN will it be possible to discover what having a “healthy brain, healthy heart, healthy bones, & healthy muscles” means, for any civilization.

    Anyways, downvote me to hell, for not parroting accepted-dogma.

    Hierarchy is required both within one’s body & within any effective civilization.

    Corrupt-VALUES make it impossible for a hierarchy to produce uncorrupt results, but corrupt-values are not God-given, not Universe-predetermined, they are indulged-in by our kind.

    Ruthless objectivity & ruthless integrity can, if held-to, break that from our social-momentum, for a portion of humankind, IF that portion has the spine to earn it.

    Otherwise, The Great Filter will just keep escalating, until our rampaging ignorance has force-extinguished all humankind, later this century.

    _ /\ _

  • Anybody who wants to understand literature, you NEED to read John Truby’s 2 books ( which absolutely-obsolete Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces”, and oceans of other such books )

    • “The Anatomy of Genres”
    • “The Anatomy of Story”

    IF you don’t understand the huge amount of stuff in them, THEN you don’t understand literature.

    There are niggles: he thinks “village” means Wild West village, I think “village” means Tribal Village, as somewhere between 0.5 & 2 million years of history indicate, but such things are minor, compared with what he got right.

    There is other stuff, ie things specific to languages/cultures that English cannot represent, e.g…

    But those 14 Genres, those are the templates we form our mind on.

    Please give yourself a huge gift, & read 'em.

    Anybody wanting an equivalent for presentations, then Weissman’s “Presenting to Win” is the equivalently-spectacular one,

    & anybody wanting an equivalent for editing, Coyne’s “The Story Grid” is the one.

    https://www.TVTropes.org is also a required resource for understanding literature, though it is limitless & easy to lose days/years in…

    _ /\ _

  • My comment isn’t on your script, it is on paper-selection…

    Please have several, orthogonal, selection-systems:

    • most-cited,

    • most trustworthy researchers

    • most unique area of research, or most unique question, or something

    • most central to new tech

    • most central to old tech

    • most undernoticed, big potential… ( things that should be big news, but the global novelty-addiction ignores it )

    • best fundamental science ( definitely include this category! )

    • best citizen-science


    iow, the algorithm that most use, which is “paying attention to what others are paying attention to” is an algorithm we shouldn’t be assigning our viability to, you know?

    Also, you may need to make a flexible-limit for dumbing-down, as some papers may have a higher limit and others a lower limit, so some could be easy for most to get the sense of, but some might be tricky … and it might well do more good to let them have their different thresholds, see?


    • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn’t explain what that cause is…

    • they said that magnetars don’t emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they’re emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

    Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

    Neutrons are neutral.

    It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that’s producing the electromagnetic field…

    No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

    just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain…

  • Lonliness is internal: we are brainwashed to believe that if we aren’t having someone, we then are lonely, iow, “alone” and “lonely” are falsely drummed into us as being identical.

    If one has emptiness in one’s self, then another loving one can’t undo that: we have to earn honest self-acceptance, ourself.

    I think most of the “relationship” and “mental illness” problems of the current world are really produced by preventing people from earning self-understanding & self-acceptance.

    People who live among nature, nature may force them into knowing themselves.

    but with all of our lives, not just all of our adult lives, but all of our lives, for-profit distraction doing everything it can, to prevent us from turning from consuming to instead understanding ourselves … why would it be surprising that loneliness becomes rampant?

    It took me years to break the “alone == lonely” programming, and self-acceptance was the key to doing it.

  • Years ago I read of a couple of game theorists who were attending a conference in … perhaps Egypt … and they decided to wait until at the destination ( taxi ) before declaring that they would only pay part of the fare, & the driver would just have to accept it…

    What the driver did was drive them back to their origin, at his expense, & told them to get out.

    Game theory didn’t allow that.

    Therefore they invented Drama Theory, which takes into account emotion/politics, because the evidence that human behaviour contradicts Game Theory had finally got noticed by them.

    No idea who they were, nor have I noticed anything obvious published as Drama Theory, since.

    It may have been in Scientific American, or some similar thing, it was years ago, possibly last century.

  • Violence is changing in the US, and the “dip” is … temporary.

    ( the calm before the storm )

    Notice that mass-shootings are now over 2x per day in the US.

    That isn’t a decrease, that is skyrocketing.

    After economic collapse destroys Biden in 2024 ( incumbents lose when the economy wrecks, and right-wing “getting even” often/usually wins on that circumstance, exactly as Hitler did, nearly a century ago ),

    and the kkk rules the US, you won’t see low violence statistics, you may well not see any statistics, because it might be illegal to collect them, just as the NRA lobbied until it got child-deaths-by-guns to no longer be monitored ( anti-evidence on that, is evil ).

    People like Steven Pinker, who insists that “economic violence doesn’t exist” ( really? double the unemployment rate, & see if violent-crime changes, and in which direction, if your ideology permits you to see the evidence, Pinker ), and others who look at short term ( some years, a decade or 2 ), but who ignore the consequences of the now-normal working-destitution, of the enforcing learned-helplessness into more & more & more of the population ( learned-helplessness produces nihilism & sadism, as Russian culture, and all the torture-chambers Russians create throughout Ukraine, or Wagner-territory )…

    There are consequences that take a generation or 2 to “flower”.

    The chickens are coming home to roost, soon.

    Nobody on the planet, who has intellectual integrity, is going to claim “violence has decreased” once the now-inevitable slaughter has got going.

    Wait until 2026 & try claiming that lethal violence has decreased in the US, on average, I dare you/anyone.

    Humanity wouldn’t correct the real/fundamental problems, and so … the distractions … didn’t work, and the fundamental problems now get to take possession/ownership of our world.

    Oh, well: I guess people can’t learn until experience-induced-understanding forces learning into one, so it’s natural, but … it’s going to cost an ocean of lives.