Not here to argue, but you’re not going to like my take.

If you don’t think people with conflicting beliefs should be here you’re building an echo chamber and you’re obstructing the ability to make change.

It takes conversation from people on both sides of the topic to reach common ground.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • The point of web diversity is to allow people to use what browser they want. If you like Firefox use it, if someone else wants to use Brave, let them.

    Brave is not a bad browser, turn on what you want, turn off what you don’t. The idea that there must be a right and wrong is stupid.

    To write off an entire browser because of one person at the company doesn’t really make sense.

    To write it off because “it’s chromium” is also a problem because they don’t support chrome decisions and are not applying their trash to it.

    To write it off because crypto is attached is ignorant because you’re welcome to just turn those features off.

  • So I can pay for others healthcare in my taxes and pay for additional healthcare for myself because the “free” healthcare I’m already paying for doesn’t do enough for me? Wouldn’t it just make more since to pay for private “premium” healthcare off the rip?

    Nothing is actually free. It all comes out somewhere. I’m a big fan of not relying on others and the government to support me.

  • Gun owners aren’t cowards, being afraid of guns makes you a coward. Learn to handle guns so you don’t have to piss yourself in fear.

    SUVs are for bad drivers that need to be in giant vehicles to feel safe due to their own inabilities. Some large trucks are acceptable for work purposes but SUV manufacturers use legislation for work trucks made years ago to get away with ignoring safety standards.

    Electric cars aren’t better for the environment in our current ecosystem. You might not be burning fuel in your car but you’re burning coal at the power plant. Beyond that all you’ve done is make yourself more dependent on the power grid. If you are one of the very few people with self sufficient electric in your home you can skip this one.

    Free healthcare doesn’t equal good healthcare. People in places with free healthcare have to wait ages for treatment and may be turned away from treatment if the government is over their saving your life budget. The insurance industry could use some work though, hospital bills increase because they can get that money from an insurance provider, this fucks anyone without insurance because most people don’t realize they can negotiate those prices down.