Encrypted 🤐
I whole heartily agree to a good ole “fuck you”; But I also think that money shouldn’t be a requirement but highly encouraged. I’m a hypocrite for this because I don’t monetarily support every open source I use. However, for the critical open source I use like 3rd party Android OS, clients for apps like Lemmy, etc. I’m more than happy to donate what I can. Hell, I’d donate to all if I had to resources to. I don’t have a good solution but I do think donating (when it can be afforded) should be highly encouraged and something not a lot of people think about/know about/or consider since they may be using it because it’s free to begin with.
I’ve heard PopOS/Linux Mint are great starters. I personally run ZorinOS which is based on Ubuntu. It’s beautiful, had built in customization, and has a free version (I paid for the pro version because I liked it so much and wanted to support it).
You’ll find occasional headaches in all Linux distros just because it’s not windows so compatibility can require work arounds depending what you wanna run. But it’s worth it. Feels so much faster and in your control which is nice. Also if you screw up the distro you can just boot another distro from the flashdrive you used to install in the first place (keep the ISO handy just in case ;) ).
Awesome. I’ll give this a try later and get back to you. Thanks!