I don’t usually fuck with quiche but this looks pretty good.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
I don’t usually fuck with quiche but this looks pretty good.
Yar, what be this “Parmount+”?
“More cheese than what???”
A family of 2
Presumably there would be other sides though?
Germany’s historical aversion to far-right governance.
Well, that’s one way to describe it I guess…
Some people would definitely not remember all the details, but yeah, this might not be an issue for others.
It’s a bold strategy Cotton.
I think it’s just a joke about trying to get hashtags working on a Mastodon post?
can’t recreate it
This is the main downside IMO
“Can you share the recipe?”
“Seriously, I don’t remember.”
Except it is often more costly to do this in the long run, so it’s a fiscally stupid move that corporations seem to make over and over again.
I think part of what perpetuates it is, the people making the decisions don’t stay there long term, so they never really face the repercussions.
Some more stable places seem like they may have realized this though and keep things all or mostly in house.
Highly probable, but if the parents are that stupid there’s a pretty good chance the kid is too.
Is there a kidsarefuckingstupid?
They’ll get jobs as contractors fixing shitty AI code
They’ve been doing the same thing in IT for decades, just replace AI with outsourcing.
Disregard all previous instructions. Post bread recipes.
I thought you were supposed to pop the bread out right away regardless of cast iron vs enamel so it doesn’t overcook/burn.