Partially sighted stroke and cancer patient, learning to walk again, going through months of foot surgeries. Fighting a disability benefit appeal. I won my last appeal just 2 years ago and am now going through yet another one. All I want is peaceful, painless assisted suicide.
Many already don’t.
This is not news. Huge numbers of people in this country have had terrible living standards for years. many people, from children to the disabled, even full time workers, going hungry regularly. A housing crisis, many homeless and housing insecure people, the NHS is crumbling so many medical conditions aren’t being adequately treated. This is a poor and miserable place to live.
Happy birthday!
I don’t have any optimism. The 21st century seems like a replay of the 20th century, first a depression and pandemic, now the rise of fascism and potentially ww3. I have lost hope that humanity will learn from its mistakes and change.
Thanks so much for all your help with that.
I’ve pleaded with both the RSPCA and the vet, neither care.
I will. I just hope her owners won’t stop her getting out now.
It’s a mobile. I’ve tried googling it but couldn’t get any info.
What is the meaning of life?