Wait, there’s a bio section and insert Parenti quote

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2022

  • Thing with AI is they don’t even need be the ultra intelligent genie in a bottle to have an impact. It’s the quantitative potential which will shape the workforce. I’m speaking on behalf of the creatives, can’t speak for IT but I assume it’s similar.

    Sorry I had giant spiel I was working on but honestly it just deserves to be developed further into an essay lol.

    I’ll just list some points I guess.

    -Portfolio based jobs, learn as you go. Professional artists right now with years of work experience should be fine, as the art from ai is just slop once you start paying attention to anything other than just how detailed it is. Symbolism, meaning, telling a story through the scene. Ai can’t do composition, let alone that. Not to mention of the greatest parts of art is the human connection, but still drawing/painting/whatever is hard to make accurate. And so can do that, eventually, but it can fit dirt cheap and doesn’t strike. Even though beginner artists can do the higher level symbolism and composition, where they fall flat is the detail and AI acts a barrier to entry.

    -Smaller artist “start ups” if you will have a horrible selection process with how much ai junk you have to soft through. Ai has totally bloated the portfolio process.

    -Most main stream garbage is already recycled so AI isn’t even going to change the main stream, but again finding the quality content will be harder and harder.

    -Silver lining is petite bourgeois jobs being the creatives and IT (also already left leaning) will finally be losing their special status.

    -I think in a socialist state AI art could be kept in as a source of raw material for a giant artist organization to train younger artists to work with, so not only are artists elevated to a more abstracted position in the process, but then we won’t have AI art clogging up every single space.

    Sorry I’ve been meaning right around this fir a while so this really just acts as a little brain dump. Also ran out of time lol. I’m a goofball.

    1. Yeah fair enough with the exceptionalist attitude. I think its less intentionally to be “The One” trope as more its myself making sure I actually try to move radicaliztion along in a critical moment of change for the Empire, instead of just keeping it to myself and withering away. I think the attitude stems more from my whimsical imagination than my actual beliefs. Just weird to think about lol. As for being radicalized, of course material conditions with being dissatisfied and interested in history/politics, but what are those conditions in particular? Tons of western leftists have similar interests, but many have stayed on their pro western side, Anti-AES and Pro-NATO. Its seems to be a right time right place for us, but we need to figure out what was exactly behind that setting which allowed us peel back another layer of ignorance and to be able to create a similar situation for other comrades.

  • Okay so I may have accidentally fallen into an HTML rabbit hole and totally forgot to respond to y’all. Don’t know if you guys will see this. With this coding I realize I’m becoming my father and it’s weirdly cathartic. I feel like this may be copy-pasta at the begging of every developer’s journey. May or may not be a cult, but I’m drinking the open source Kool-Aid to the bottom of the glass.

  • Has to be Mario Sunshine (Via Wii) , Mario Galaxy, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, or really any Wii game my grandma got us. I still tear up just by hearing the main menu ambience. Mario Sunshine was wild, cause I never really played it as a kid, but my dad did and the imprint was still nostalgic so when I did play it a few years ago in that definitely a scam Mario 3D Allstars it scratched an itch of nostalgia and new experience.

  • Sorta related topic to those with fear of raising kids in a dangerous world, when was the world safe to have kids?

    Now it’s wild to think about not too long ago, parents would go in with the mindset not all of their children would make it and that was completely normal. Thankfully now (or for now) our kids won’t loose their legs from a disease like polio or a factory accident, so we don’t need to worry about them being in harms way. I think what is happening currently, is the younger generations are at a time where living conditions are starting to go down in the core and that completely shatters our vision of what our kids future would look like.

    While a dangerous world won’t stop us from having kids, it’ll take a bit for gen z to get used to the prospect of a dangerous future and especially as we mature into adulthood and away from being terminally online. Also the nuclear family isn’t as embedded in heads as time progresses so it’s hard to say what “families” would look like.

    If you feel like you shouldn’t have kids then don’t have kids, its understandable. But don’t be those people who judge others for having children in a dangerous world, cause you and I wouldn’t be here if that was the end all be all decision for humanity.

  • Oh yeah he was for sure, but given the time its not too surprising. I remember near the end of his life he was turning around on his views of the Irish, so there’s that. But more importantly the mechanisms of class struggle that are concrete in our world exist independently from Marx even though the ideological frame work and philosophy that analyzes it bears his name. Electricity isn’t viable or not depending on how shitty Edison was (this is a pretty lazy example, given how much info that ghoul stole). Now it feels wrong because in the social sciences theres a human aspect. So when an incredible thinker figures out class relations and advocates for proletarian liberation, a sense of betrayal emerges from their regressive social views because of the hypocrisy.

  • Oh boy am I glad we are all getting a resurgence of interest on military theory recently.

    I am with the assumption we are speaking economically and geopolitically too, duh.

    Now other than nukes, which is a loss for everyone, I don’t see a scenario where China loses either. I don’t think the question is if China can win, it is can it win before climate change destroys humanity.

    We can see already China emerging as the leading power. Peace deals in the middle east which feel like they came from nowhere from the major regional powers. Now European leaders are making visits to Beijing to discuss solutions for the Ukraine conflict. Even the Ukrainian government is shy to criticize China’s close relationship with Russia, due to their hopes of economic rebuilding. THE FUCKING FACIST PUPPET STATE WITH THE US COMMANDING IT!

    I believe with China now truly established as a DOTP and soon to be leading power, it will guide the intertwined multipolar world against the new threat of natural disaster. In a way mirroring the struggle of primitive communism, it will once again be humans vs nature, except it will be trying to.

    Though most of the periphery is becoming more stable with industrialization and nationalization, the core is becoming increasingly unstable while deindustrialized and privatized. They have switched places in a way. And that is right as we are tipping over the edge of Western economic collapse.

    With the rolling back of child labor laws, women and queer rights disappearing, continued ecological destruction, decaying infrastructure and industry, economic collapse, and Florida to vanguard fascism in the states. Are we at a point to see the possibility of a Protracted Peoples War? With its balkanization seeming eminent, huge swaths of a mountainous terrain, and easy access to firearms, are the proletarian forces able to carry out an organized armed struggle?

    I am under the impression, the left in the core will form as two intertwined groups, Indigenous Liberation and Ecological Warrior Melons (green on the outside, but red on the inside). I don’t feel I have to explain why Indigenous liberation and ecological protection go hand and hand. We are at a point where the majority of Americans realize we are running out of time with the system we have, and will begin to resort to desperate measures. With all the major chemical spills, nuclear leakage, and continued oil drilling, industrial sabotage seems like a reasonable means to an end for the public. There needs to form a radical guerrilla group with the goal of disrupting environmental devastation, a sort of carbon partisans. As these carbon partisans grow, they will open up with more and radical ideology and missions.-------

    I realize I have completely skirted off the original topic, oh my lord. Hey at least its some discussion on this community haha. So what do you think, will Protracted Peoples Wars be possible?