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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Bonus tip: You can also filter Hacker News posts on the amount of upvotes/points. For example, this URL will return only the newest posts with a minimum of 200 points. This way, you only get some of the best/most important posts in your feed.


  • It’s been five fucking years since they released the teaser trailer for Elder Scrolls VI.

    I really don’t understand why publishers do this. At best, you can’t give a representative image of the game 10 years in advance and people loose interest over time (Anybody that cared about Duke Nukem Forever?). The whole project might change drastically, maybe even multiple times.
    At worst, both fans and shareholders get whiny about the releasedate and demand it to be released ASAP. Resulting in releases similar to that of Cyberpunk 2077. Why not announce the game when it is actually (almost) done?

  • JSYK for if you want extra performance: Steam also has a hidden “mini mode”, which you can run by adding this as a launchoption to a steam shortcut (or in a terminal) steam://open/minigameslist.

    Additionally, you can add the -no-browser launch option to completely disable the built-in webbrowser.

    I can’t find any official documentation about these options, but they are certainly there!

  • Funnily enough, I got stuck too in CT, at a boss fight. But I’m determined to pick it up again and finish it some day. I’m not even sure if the boss-fight I’m stuck at is the last fight of the game or if there is a whole other chapter. It’s sometimes hard to guess if you’re near the end of the game in J-RPG’s.

    I also experienced that when I played Star Ocean First Departure and Star Ocean Second Evolution a few years ago. Those games are actually the games that made me discover my appreciation for J-RPG’s. Every time I thought “Oh, this is it. Story is over”, something completely unexpected happend and the story went on for many more hours. If you haven’t played those games yet, I would highly recommend them (but I might be biased as well). Square Enix actually announced another remake of SO The Second Story, so you might want to wait for that (but you don’t have to, the PSP version of Second Evolution is incredible as well). Second Evolution was one of the best games I’ve played in a long, long time, so I’m really exited about this one :)

    I get what you mean with the optimistic and whimsy vibe in most J-RPG’s. I love how I get drawn into the adventure and get the sense of “Sure, I can save the world”, while not overdoing it.

  • I discovered the excistence of Bustin’Out on the GBA only 2 years ago. When I discovered it was an ancestor on Urbz, I had to play it! I played it through an emulator on my trusty old PSP, long after I had sold my GBA SP. I loved it! THe story and athmosphere were not developed to the same depth as Urbz, but it was certainly a very fun and welcome experience. More of the same in a positive way!

    If I had to recommend a friend only 1 of both games, I would always recommend the Urbz. But Bustin’Out is great is you can´t get enough!