• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • As much of a spoiler as it is, I found out, as I know many did before me, that there’s a quick route to the center of any galaxy. No, it’s not looking up a portal address close to the center from someone who went before, it’s just spamming the first glyph at any portal. Apparently, in this golden age without portal interference, the first glyph will always drop you within a few thousand lightyears of the core. This actually made me feel more connected to the community. Playing on the Nintendo Switch I don’t get to run into players at the Nexus, so seeing all the communication stations around the portal at the other end of the jump was a fun reminder other players had gone before.

  • I’m gonna vote overdoing it. Like there’s putting some thought into it, and then there’s creating a system that’s going to require effort and maintenance to keep up. Certain things make total sense, tech you’re not using but want to hold on to makes sense. All the raw materials to craft your money-makers (stasis devices, portable reactors, and so on) make sense. Stuff you know you’ll need to build your next base/farm or whatever, makes sense. Storing by type I can even get behind, as soon as I saw the color-sequencing, sorry that crossed my line! Lol.

  • Thanks for your reply, I think it really puts some things in perspective. If that 150 hour figure is accurate, and I don’t doubt that it is, it really changes the lens I’m looking through on what efforts one must go to to get an S class freighter, let alone one in your preferred make and model.

    I know we collectively call it save scumming, but I’m not so sure it rises to that level. The first game I ever put any real time in was Nethack, where save scumming is reason enough for apostasy if not excommunication! I might not do it, but unlike with the folks doing it in Nethack, I won’t bring out my torch and pitchfork against anyone in this community.

    I picked up an A class, and now when I’m hitting derelicts I’m fabricating bulkheads instead of tech. If I wasn’t on Switch, and multiplayer was a consideration, I think I could see my way to resetting for an S class. At this point my freighter is a platform for sending organic frigates out to get living ship upgrades. If a future update changes freighters in a big way, the way the recent update brought Nexus missions to Switch, I may regret not just putting in the effort to get an S class, but that for another time.

    For now though, I’m happy with my A class but I still enjoy hearing what others went through to get the freighter of their dreams. Oh, and I think the increased frigate capacity may be a reason for me not to get an S class. Could be unrelated because stability on Switch has always been a bit off, but with three pages of frigates I think I’m seeing more crashes when I’m in the same system as my freighter.

  • Okay let me just get way off-topic on this but can we talk about Capital Freighters vs freighters a second? Wiki’s and Tubes all seem to make the distinction between freighters (lower-case f) and Capital Ships/Freighters (upper-case F).

    Play enough and see enough under attack by pirates and you will notice yes, they sometimes are noticeably larger than the random freighters you might find in this or that solar system. Certainly they are larger than most of the freighters which you may see randomly warp into a solar system after you arrive. They all still show up as Your Capital Ship in navigation. So what’s the deal with making the distinction? Is it some kind of save-editing data-mining thing where people have started differentiating the two because there’s something intrinsically different?

    I swear there are more layers of player-added classification…

  • I could never get into reloading. I tried it a couple times and it just wasn’t for me. Like I don’t think it’s cheating or anything but with the loading times being what they are on the Nintendo Switch (where I play) it felt to much like reloading to get a shiney starter. I’d rather spend the time complaining about not getting my dream ship on each new encounter than re-rolling the same encounter. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it like that it doesn’t feel as frustrating no finding an S class at every turn. Thanks!

  • I buy a lot of stuff, like a new ship or multitoool, then I gotta upgrade it to max, which means spending a lot of credits to get a lot of nanites. Then I find a tool I like better and I need to rinse and repeat. Same situation with the fighters in my squadron, gotta max out a ship so I can swap it with theirs. Still, all of that only takes so much cash, so there’s an element of keeping a nice big round number in the bank as well. And I should say I’m not maintaining multiple farms, and never building on a scale that nets multimillions per hour. Part of that’s because I won’t make them big enough, and part of that is I only hit it once a day even if the turn around is every few hours. I got too much exploring (and not enough game time time) to zip back and cash in multiple times a day.

  • Another great shot! Can I just ask, cause you seem like a bit of a planetary connoisseur, what’s the deal with colors?

    Some planets seem to be “normal” red is red, blue is blue, and so on. Some planets seem like all of this or that color has been drained out; not like green is gray now, but like it’s all just been drained out. My purple ship is now blue, and the yellow on it is now the bleached out blond of an old, unsealed wooden deck that desperately needs a sand and a coat of stain. It’s wild.

  • AvianAnxiety@lemmy.worldOPtoNo Man's Sky@lemmy.worldRobot Fauna
    1 year ago

    Alright, I sucked it up and watched some YouTube. Twitch I can sort of understand, it’s like playing a single player game with your friend after school in the ‘90’s. It’s their turn and you’re watching, planning what to try during your turn. YouTube is a 20 minute video, with ads, that’s buried a ten second sound-byte of useful information behind piles of trash and the worst speaking voice on Earth. And it’s always edited by someone who things mic-in and line-in are the same so ready your ears for the bleedening!

    Robot fauna occur mainly (possibly only) on planets or moons in uncharted systems. It there are robot fauna on a planet, there are no organic fauna on that world and vice versa. The ion battery/creature pellets showing in your companion register identify the type of fauna, and will do so as soon as you land. There’s no need to actually find any fauna first.

    I’d like to apologize for wasting your time if you read this and it’s all old-news & common-knowledge. I had no idea so thought I might as well post in the spirit of keeping the content flowing.

  • I think all the other platforms can cross-play. On Switch though I’m limited to seeing other players bases, beacons, and com stations. It’s still the same in-game world, just depopulated. So Like I can see traveler so and so left a com station at the galaxy core portal in whatever galaxy, or a beacon marking where a sentinel pillar is or something, which is kind of cool. I really enjoyed seeing how many people passed through this or that galaxy when I was on my way to Olonerovo. It was weird though 'cause all the early galaxies had dozens and dozens of com stations but farther on it might be only 10 here, and then the next galaxy would have like 30.

    It’s all got a very 28 Days Later (the zombie movie) vibe where he’s walking through London and doesn’t see any people. There’s no (I think they’re called) settlements(?) either, and there’s base complexity limits (but you can turn those off) so I think that setting is more for stability reasons. Featured bases still show up and I can look at what other folks have built, but that just makes me mildly depressed about my lack of unique design when I do build something.

    I know I’m missing out on a lot of stuff playing on Switch, I just like having it portable, and not being tied to my computer or console. I guess I could get a Steam Deck, though I hear the battery on life for the game is less than half what I get out of the Switch. Definite trade offs on the platform, but I never could get into MMO’s so I feel like I’ve got enough to have fun without all the competition that (I think?) comes along with robust multiplayer. Oh, and I do see like an XBox controller icon by some peoples bases and I think that means they’re on console as opposed to PC?

  • This may be a silly question, and maybe more so because of my casual playstyle 'cause I think I used glyphs someone else found like twice, but do people really enjoy picking up ships, multi-tools, companions, and all that stuff that other people have found? I kind of get it, like maybe you really want a gold exotic guppy or something. It’s just, the exotic I have now is the first one I found because it feels special that I found it. My living ship is the one that I happened to get on the planet I happened to be on at that stage of the quest. I feel attached to it. I just wouldn’t feel the same about a ship I got because I followed a set of instructions outside the game. That can’t be a rare position to take right? Maybe it is though. Maybe playing on Nintendo Switch where I don’t actually encounter other players makes things like trading glyphs feel like meta-gaming instead of running into someone who’s just saying “check out this cool thing I found!”

    Tracking down the exact color ship with whatever specific components in an S class doesn’t do it for me. My view may evolve over time, and I can see how being able to search up exactly what I want is almost something that almost has to exist in an infinite procedurally generated environment. It’s just not something I feel like I need ya’ know?

  • I don’t know, I’m really feeling that outfit from the Singularity expedition, might be my look for a good while. I like the contrast of wearing a robot body and flying a living ship with an alien multi-tool. Gotta say that suit looks pretty slick though, I don’t know if there’s anything that’d look better on someone flying a fighter. It could have designed with that in mind, for sure feels like it!

  • Given that I’m on a Nintendo Switch I don’t think I can get any gifts from other players. I may be wrong about that, I didn’t even know Switch players could finally get Nexus missions until I started playing again a couple weeks ago. Still, I think it speaks well of the game, and the community of players it has attracted that a lot of the tips & tricks I see around include something like “hang around on the space anomaly to get generous gifts from other players”.

    More eggs though, that’d be your recommendation on something worth saving up for and spending that quicksilver on?