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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • I have to disagree with the idea that the world has always been a terrible place. Actually building upon what you’ve said subsequently, the world itself isn’t terrible, it’s just a rock with some moss and critters on it, the systems we’ve created for ourselves are terrible. That’s exactly the nuance to which I was referring in my initial comment, Antinatalism isn’t universally applicable to all existing and potential existential contexts.

  • This is an overgeneralisation which completely misses the nuance. Antinatalism does not postulate that it’s morally wrong to procreate, only that it is morally wrong to bring another human consciousness into a soup of suffering, which… yeah, kinda’! I mean, is the world not presently a soup of suffering, with extra helpings on the way?

    Personally, I doubt most people who subscribe to Antinatalism would do so if society weren’t literally a hell hole right now.

  • Eeexactly! That ‘dynasty’s’ been going on for so long, it’s narratively ridiculous and boring.

    Don’t get me wrong, despite what my initial comment may indicate, I would LOVE to see something which goes in depth into The Force’s philosophy, its spirituality, but that foregoes Skywalker Lightsaber Fight™ by its very nature… Actually, no, acceptable Skywalker Lightsaber Fight™ in the original episodes, because those moments were used to punctuate.

  • Can only give you my personal example:

    I have a career in software QA, and I got into it because I personally believed in QA and its significance to generating good software for people to use. Hell, I even worked relatively low-paying jobs because it was compensated by job satisfaction.

    Then enshittification took hold of absolutely everything, QA started being flushed down the turlet in the interest of cutting costs (and, I suspect, out of management incompetence and lack of perspective), and now it feels as though my passion got stabbed.

    I still thoroughly believe in QA as an essential part of software development, I still try to do the best I can not out of dedication to a job, but to my principle-based belief that QA does more good than it does harm when properly performed. But I seldom have the context to be able to do that, instead being stuck with menial shit and/or rushed projects which don’t allow for a lot of testing.

    Test your stuff, eat the rich.