I may have been to rosy with my including of the CPUSA in my original post. I was more just including it as to my relationship with it.
This wasn’t really meant to be some glaring spotlight on how great everything is now and that everyone should shut the fuck up and just tow the line. Rather it was meant to try and fight the constant futility and negativity I see when it comes to the potential of organizing in the US. Is everything where it needs to be? No. Is the CPUSA the most principled and disciplined Marxist Leninist institution? No, they release plenty of dogshit and I would know as I read People’s World constantly and listen to the Co-Chairs. But is it still possible? Absolutely, we just have a harder road ahead. That’s all.
Thanks for contributing to this discussion :)
I’m not here to tell you to join any particular political organ… was just including it to point to my relationship in regards to the bigger picture. And at no point did I imply that colonial contradictions don’t exist either… just simply a venting of the constant futility and negativity on the subject. Thanks for contributing your thoughts :)