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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ll see if I can boot it up and send you the output later. It’s been awhile. If I can get it working, I’ll ask you to give me a bunch of inputs (speed, trajectory, altitude, etc) and I’ll send you the output. I had the speed and trajectory calculated every 0.1s so it was relatively accurate. I was planning to add in boosters and parachutes, but I never got that far. The best I can. Give you os how long it takes to plummit into the ground and at what speed lol…

    It was pretty cool as it would correctly show orbits and the effect of atmospheric drag if you didn’t fully descend in the first orbit around the planet, so you’d just see it loop around several times until it bled off enough speed to eventually descend into the atmosphere. I think I managed to get coreliolis effects added before I stopped messing with it.

  • You know…I always though how culture war victories in 4X games were a little unreasonable…and then you see this shit.

    It’s so frustrating that people are so ridiculously gullible as long as you make them feel good about themselves first. Tell them how intelligent they are for not believing the evil liberal agenda. You want to know what the liberal agenda actually is conservatives? We just want to live our lives however we want, and not have to be harassed, to not have to feel unsafe, to cultivate a world that is healthy, a population that is well-educated and happy, and not have to worry about tomorrow. To leave behind a world that is better than the one we were brought up in. Yeah. We’re evil AF.

    Apparently that is so counterproductive to capitalism that they’ve managed to persuade meatheads that it’s evil liberal propaganda. The irony of the poorest class in America literally siding with the richest class in America - they wouldn’t know it, but hey…how often are people going to take the time to chase down the money?

  • 100%. This actually works. Most boomers are not technologically late enough to track subscriptions and such.

    There was a YouTube video not a documentary (similar to The Brainwashing of My Dad) where their father went down the rabbithole, but they started subscribing them to better news sources, and eventually to left-leaning news sources, and he did a whole 180°.

    Fear is like a drug. It’s addictive, and rightwing media sources have cracked the formula on how to get people addicted to it, and it can happen to ANYONE. The uneducated to the well-educated. The only thing that makes you immune to it is critical thinking and empathy - which is why I feel that their next war is on education and masculinity. They are literally trying to perfect the addiction so you can never leave it.

    This is part of the reason why education is so insanely important.

  • We should all want and hope for better for our kids.

    Giving them the ability to go to work at younger and younger ages is not making life better for kids. You can argue that it allows them to make good money and enable them to become good consumers, and sure, you’re not wrong. But you have to realize that you’re willingly siding with the capitalist machine here. When you start justifying things like child labor because labor shortages, you can easily start justifying things like 6 day work weeks, relaxed safety laws, longer working hours, etc. In 5-10 years, odds are they will push kids to work in other jobs than just “hospitality…or washing dishes” due to the “success” of it using the same argument of “labor shortage”.

    You have to understand that there are very good reasons why there are labor shortage at these places, and almost every single one of them is because companies do not want to pay their employees a living wage or offer any sort of benefits. It’s the same reason there are lobbyists in Washington pushing to not increase the minimum wage.

    Don’t support laws like this