Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The point is that if the rules aren’t grounded in science, it’s not science fiction. You can have the trappings of science, like space travel or whatever, but if people are moving objects and doing impossible acrobatics by using a magical force, it’s fantasy.

    Though not mine, I personally think that definition works better than most. Still, if you pin me down, I’d say that there’s a spectrum, with hard SF (where everything is rigorously anchored to scientific principles) at one end, and pure fantasy (with magic and such) at the other. There are lots of things between those endpoints, with some being closer to one or the other, and some being very much in the middle.

  • It’s so crazy that anyone aside from the people who own insurance companies thinks things were better before the ACA. I had a friend who got bone cancer and had a leg amputated at 17. For that type of cancer, it’s nine years before they consider you in full remission, so he was essentially uninsurable for nine years because of the pre-existing condition.

    There were people who had insurance that covered almost nothing because that’s all they could afford - the ACA got rid of plans that didn’t actually provide a benefit.

    Our healthcare system is really, really terrible, but it’s so much better than before the ACA.

  • Same with me. Well, that in combination with the way they treated the app developers. I honestly didn’t have an issue with Reddit trying to make money, or trying to prevent all the LLMs from skimming their content for free, but there was no reason to cut the app developers off at the knees.

    I had already changed my relationship/view of Reddit years prior when the internet connection to Russia was severed for a day or so and so many subs (especially political ones) became fundamentally different. Hard to ignore that. But i just couldn’t continue to give free content to such an awful company.