A chance encounter with members of the Ku Klux Klan led black musician Daryl Davis on a quest to determine the source of the hate. His unorthodox, yet simple...
Antifa’s objective isn’t to dismantle the KKK, it’s to fight fascists, so you’re very blatantly using fallacious reasoning and putting an irrelevant group of people on your sacrificial altar to make yourself feel better about something.
Superman actually did more to stop the KKK than this clown and Superman is not even real. And Superman punches bad guys. So you fail again.
Antifa’s objective isn’t to dismantle the KKK, it’s to fight fascists, so you’re very blatantly using fallacious reasoning and putting an irrelevant group of people on your sacrificial altar to make yourself feel better about something.
Superman actually did more to stop the KKK than this clown and Superman is not even real. And Superman punches bad guys. So you fail again.
Is the klan not fascist?