• Because the glorious, free market capitalist west isn’t forcing people to become STEMLords or joining the Military to even be able to have a roof over their heads, put food in the table and be able to seek out healthcare; because any other degrees lands you to a minimum wage job that might as well give you nothing for how little amenities you can afford with the wages you get from them.

      • But of course, when someone responds back with a valid argument, all you guys are capable of is crying “whataboutism”.

        You guys don’t want to understand the other side, you just want to waste peoples’ time and want them to just “shut up and accept things for as it is, no matter how bad it might be”. You know, as you guys tend to always do, in the white house and in the congress.

        That’s how good your little pea brain is at actually bringing change to the world and country to make lives better for everyone.