• havokdj@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Ironically, from what I’ve seen the sync users have been way more radical than the “anti-sync” users.

    Before you read this I cannot stress enough that I’m neutral in this, I’m just a little irritated that I’m now seeing this in basically every sub.

    There’s been examples of the reverse from both sides, but the fact that I am now seeing this spam about pointless shit like this on shitpost is proof of this.

    It is just an app, both of you. Sync dev should donate some profit (even as small as 1%) to Lemmy devs because his app relies on their software. App itself doesn’t have to be free but if it includes anti-features in the name of profits it is only fair, otherwise it is an exploitation of the GPL.

    Lemmy being a FOSS project with no ads running, it is pretty much up to devs pockets, instances pockets, and donations to keep the project going. If the sync developer is going to make money off of an app that essentially serves as a gateway to this service, ethically speaking he should contribute to it considering the software itself is what even makes the app function. If Lemmy were to shutdown, the app would be useless.

    Having been involved in the FOSS community for 18 years, the community heavily relies on the collaboration, contributions, and donations of those who partake in it. Without at least one of those things, the project dies, I have seen it hundreds of times now. Wherever you (all of you) may stand when it comes to FOSS, know that using Lemmy technically makes you a part of that community.

    We will see if the people here are sane or not by watching the karma of this post. If it is negative then the people in this argument are blinded by unnecessary rage and need to cool it.