• SulaymanF@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Sigh, again it’s amazing how non-engineers assume this must be so easy and they’re condescending to boot. The iPhone 14 pro has a much bigger battery than the Samsung Galaxy S5, which was a benefit of miniaturizing other hardware and removing other circuits. Apple could make a phone with removable battery but then you’re talking about going back to a 2014 sized battery with hours shorter battery life. Basically erasing all the gains of the last 9 years. You think Apple should go and build a removable battery anyway and give up their lead and stay behind Samsung, who isn’t making battery swappable phones?

    I know you think Apple is being intentionally sadistic and making phones of this design just to piss you off, but surveys show almost nobody swapped their phone batteries. Apple found an engineering advantage. And since you’re being a jerk on Lemmy, blocked.

    • Fubar91@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Lol want a picture of my electronics system engineering degree?

      Want my CV that includes 7 years working for an electric motor engineering and automation company/firm and 6 years experience with professional electronics repair?

      Need a reference to my last employer, who i setup/managed to be the first authorised Apple repair partner in province?

      Although outdated would you like my previous certifications from Samsung, HTC, and LG for electronics repair?

      I’ll provide my engineering credentials as soon as you do as well. Seeing thats your major claim here little man.

      Keep sighing and shilling for a multi-billion dollar compnay that employs top level engineers and designers, who rather cut cost in manufactoring to skirt laws and consumer ease of repairability?

      And just to add, i think all manufacturers should have easily swapable batteries in their mobile devices.

      Fuck outta here with your bullshit assumptions.