• TechyDad@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    At this point, Trump has about 4 ways to avoid prison, not all of them likely:

    First, he could beat all the charges outright. While Judge Cannon might throw the case in Florida, I don’t think he could beat every charge and avoid all punishments. One of the problems he’s facing with the multiple indictments is that it only takes one sticking to land him in prison for years, if not decades.

    Secondly, he could plea out. Like the last option, this is unlikely. Maybe he could reach a deal in one case (though I doubt it without an admission of guilt and prison time), but all 4 (including Georgia)? Highly unlikely.

    Third, he could get reelected and pardon himself. This might work for the federal cases, but won’t work in the upcoming Georgia case.

    Finally, the most realistic option, Trump could be convicted and sentenced, but the reality of security concerns over a former President being in prison keeps him out of an actual cell. Instead, he’s stuck in a “cell” on some military base or in Mar-A-Lago which gets taken over and converted into a “prison for one.”

    For the latter, it would involve nobody else allowed on property who isn’t part of security or supporting the “prison.” Trump’s room would be stripped to the bare walls and a prison cot tossed in the room. He’d spend most of his time in the bare room without TV, a phone, or anything else - only allowed out for meals (prison food, not his usual Mar-A-Lago fare) and maybe an hour of “outside time.” So while he technically wouldn’t be in prison, he’d be effectively locked up.