Instagram reel transcript: “So you know how autistic people just talk and we literally mean like exactly what we say?”
“So like I realized that when I’m talking to a neurotypical person, even when I’m saying exactly what I’m saying, they’re looking for like, the meeting underneath it, which is nothing.”
“So the other day at work…I had a feedback session and one of the things they told me was that my communication wasn’t clear… And their example was I asked ‘What is so-and-so’s job?’ And she said, 'I knew exactly what you meant. I knew that you meant, 'She’s not pulling her weight. Why is she on the team? Why haven’t you fired her yet?”
“And I was like, hold up. I asked about her job was because I didn’t know what her job was and I wanted you to tell me what her job was. And she was like, ‘Oh. Well, that wasn’t clear and you should really give more context when you ask a question.’ And I was like, 'Okay…?? so…'I don’t know what her job is…What is… her… job?”
“Say what you mean and mean what you say”. Why is that so difficult for normies to understand?