It generally tries to avoid updating apps while the phone isn’t charging, connected over WiFi and currently idle - I myself only charge the phone when it’s running low and I pretty much never get automatic updates (I have AppNotifier installed so I do know when it happens).
From time to time I let the phone charge overnight (with an alarm set so that the adaptive charging turns on) and it always updates all the apps during the night. I’m pretty sure the two hours it takes for normal charging is just too short to reliably trigger updates.
It generally tries to avoid updating apps while the phone isn’t charging, connected over WiFi and currently idle - I myself only charge the phone when it’s running low and I pretty much never get automatic updates (I have AppNotifier installed so I do know when it happens).
From time to time I let the phone charge overnight (with an alarm set so that the adaptive charging turns on) and it always updates all the apps during the night. I’m pretty sure the two hours it takes for normal charging is just too short to reliably trigger updates.