Raphaël Glucksmann, a center-left member of the European Parliament, has strongly criticized President Donald Trump's radical change of US policy on the war in Ukraine.
just so you realize, my comment was satirical and the fact that you read it literally, reported it, and a mod removed it is exactly what I was critiquing.
that was sarcasm by the way. just want to make sure you know that I’m being obtuse enough so that you and everyone else knows that it was indeed notobvious.
perhaps if you read deeper than surface level I wouldn’t have to sound like a pompous arrogant ass.
but don’t worry, I’ll humble myself to speak to you on your terms.
Your post is exactly the type of cancer that you are referring to, whether or not you have the ability to understand it.
just so you realize, my comment was satirical and the fact that you read it literally, reported it, and a mod removed it is exactly what I was critiquing.
Nice one, dig that hole deeper! You can do it!
FYI I’ve never reported any post, and yours is by no means significant enough for that record to change.
Then it obviously wasn’t that great of a critique if it was that badly misinterpreted.
that was sarcasm by the way. just want to make sure you know that I’m being obtuse enough so that you and everyone else knows that it was indeed not obvious.
perhaps if you read deeper than surface level I wouldn’t have to sound like a pompous arrogant ass.
but don’t worry, I’ll humble myself to speak to you on your terms.
Take a fucking breath.