Can anyone think of a closer trademark collision than Dove chocolate and Dove soap? They sell chocolate covered ice cream bars similar in concept to a Klondike bar, and the commercial showed an oblong white thing being covered in chocolate, and child me was very confused.
Plot twist: It was actually Dove Soap…
Can anyone think of a closer trademark collision than Dove chocolate and Dove soap? They sell chocolate covered ice cream bars similar in concept to a Klondike bar, and the commercial showed an oblong white thing being covered in chocolate, and child me was very confused.
Where I live there’s a butter called “Flora” and a toothpaste “Fluora”.
You do not want to confuse these two either.
Isn’t that the same thing?
Only if it floats.
Does it turn you into a newt?
You’ll get better.
“That was good, now rinse.”