I dislike this as much as everyone else, but… Would you give us a “/s” or some other indication of sarcasm? Some people assert what you wrote –or similar things– unironically.
you need your essential NOROviruses, e-coli [(O157:H7), salmonella typhi, listeria, and camplybacter probiotics. maybe bringing back the good old MS. cholera.
So fluoride is too much, but poop is okay? Got it.
Poop is natural, fluoride is a chemical!
I dislike this as much as everyone else, but… Would you give us a “/s” or some other indication of sarcasm? Some people assert what you wrote –or similar things– unironically.
you need your essential NOROviruses, e-coli [(O157:H7), salmonella typhi, listeria, and camplybacter probiotics. maybe bringing back the good old MS. cholera.
Republicans LOVE drinking poop. Pass it on.
they eat too.
Make Oregon Trail Great Again…?
Never stopped being great!
There’s a card game of it, I play it with my kids and they don’t know why I love it so much.
make organ failure good again?
You know what, why not? What could go wrong? The organ in question was probably a lazy, drug-addled immigrant organ.
(/s because someone wont get the joke)
It’s all about protecting companies. Well done USAians. Well done.