
Democrats must reclaim their identity as the party of the working class to regain electoral strength.

Despite pro-labor policies under Biden, working-class voters feel disconnected, seeing Democrats as defenders of a failing system.

The party’s decline traces back to NAFTA and neoliberal economic policies that favored corporations over workers.

A generational effort to prioritize labor rights, fair wages, and economic security while addressing working-class frustrations are needed.

Without serious reform, Democrats will continue losing ground to populist alternatives.

    11 days ago

    contract rights

    Isn’t that why unions are allowed to exist? Freedom of association and negotiation is the necessary foundation which I believe is inclided somewhere in the US constitution. And strikes - at least from what I’ve read - are part of what’s granted through this freedom. After all, labor disputes are between two private parties (company + union) and limiting one of the parties violates their freedom of forming contracts. I might be wrong though, its been some time since I researched the legal foundations of strikes, at least in Germany.

    t’was political calculus

    Was it though? I don’t see who benefitted but the rail companies. The workers only got some of what they would’ve striked for but not everything. Any political benefit usually vanishes a month after the headlines have moved on, so I don’t think breaking up the strike has helped them win any “moderates” who would’ve voted Republican. And it might have alienated some workers from the Democrats, seeing them side with the companies instead of them.

    systemic suppression

    That’s what this is about though. Biden is part of the system and has used it to systemically suppress unions by literally preventing one from striking. Why should he be praised for limiting his suppression slightly when he could have just… not suppressed unions? He certainly had the required votes in Congress to block any legislation preventing the railway strike.

    Also, is your comment written with the help of AI? I can’t quite put my finger on it but some your writing sounds like it could come straight from an LLM. You also used this symbol: — earlier which isn’t on any standard keyboard layout I know - unless you have some autocorrect feature replacing short dashes with long one’s.

      11 days ago

      Your invocation of contract rights as a defense for unions misses the broader reality of systemic imbalance in the U.S. While Germany might strike a better equilibrium between commerce and labor, American federalism prioritizes corporate interests, leaving unions to fight an uphill battle. Framing this as a simple matter of freedom of association ignores the structural barriers that render such freedoms largely theoretical.

      The political calculus behind Biden’s actions is clear: the rail companies emerged victorious while workers were left with crumbs. Far from a compromise, this maneuver alienated labor supporters and exposed the administration’s willingness to side with corporate power. Any supposed political benefit was fleeting, leaving only disillusionment in its wake.

      As for systemic suppression, Biden’s intervention exemplifies it. Blocking the strike wasn’t a reluctant necessity but a deliberate choice to uphold the status quo. Praising him for “limiting” suppression is absurd when he could have chosen not to suppress at all.

      As for your AI concerns, polished writing often mirrors traits associated with automation—clean structure, logical flow, and precision. My phone or Lemmy client might even replace double hyphens with em dashes automatically. Ironically, striving for clarity can make human writing seem “too perfect.”

      Well-reasoned critique of labor right, solid effort with minor distractions.
