If your government doesnt aide and protect you, it is your duty to force it to. Protect your fellow citizens, punch the Nazis running the government. It is your duty as an American. Even if it never actually was in history, it is now.
It’s always the states with the most white people and fewest people at the same time who pass goofy shit like this. The most scared snowflakes in this country
Lawmakers have names and addresses.
Probably have public sidewalks or roads you can protest in
Or flammable homes 🔥
When your civil rights laws prevent you from being a bigot, it’s time to
stop the bigotryend civil rights.And just like that, I yearn for an Iowa on fire. I now have less protection than corn there. What a shithole state.
“…First State to Repeal Civil Rights Protections for Any Protected Class”
All that HFCS has rotted their brains
Fuck, I hate my state.
Go Lesser Iowa!!!